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Research Focus Group Talk: Kings and Cripples in the Arthurian World


Zoom meeting link: While the lived reality of disability in the Middle Ages was surely a wretched one, at the same time we encounter persistent associations between disabled and royal or aristocratic bodies in medieval culture, its imagery and narratives. Nowhere is this truer than in the Arthurian world, at whose core there lies a powerful but immobile figure, the Rich Fisher King. This talk looks at such linkage through Arthurian texts and illustrated ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Cannabis and South Asia


Zoom meeting link: Historical scholarship now conceives empire as a webbed uneven field of power relations and a multispecies enterprise. In other words, the anxious and breathless struggle of European imperialism to sustain itself subjected human, plant, animal, and insect bodies to its ambition to govern through logics of colonial difference. This paper argues that the cannabis plant in South Asia, in the nineteenth century, while being a subject of British revenue systems transformed ...

Talk: A Wave of Difference: Language Expression in the Argentine Feminist Imaginary


REGISTER NOW In the context of a disproportionate increase in sexual violence against cis, trans, and transvestite women since 2015, Argentine feminisms have prefigured the untimely irruption of public space in both process and form. The movements’ interventions not only impact the social conditions and the epistemic tools for popular intelligibility of language expression ​​of gender violence, through an innovative use of communication technologies and social networks, but also articulate, from the multidimensionality in which ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Blood Files: Epidemic, Medium, Milieu


ATTEND DISCUSSION Epidemics make us keenly aware of our multispecies distributions: of changes to our microbial makeup, of the mediums (body fluids to the elements) that enable transmission. While our body makes us aware of fevers and aches, we need technical mediation beyond the everyday thermometer to track and understand changing microbial-human relations. Epidemic media—a range of technologies, microscopes to PCR machines—are the subject of Bishnupriya Ghosh’s book, The Virus Touch: Theorizing Epidemic Media. Drawing ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Designing Disability


ATTEND DISCUSSION We will be discussing Professor Elizabeth Guffey's introduction and chapter 1 to her latest book, Designing Disability (Bloomsbury, 2018). A Professor of Art & Design History, and Director of the MA in Modern and Contemporary Art, Criticism and Theory at State University of New York at Purchase, Professor Guffey co-edited Making Disability Modern (Bloomsbury, 2020) and is the founding editor of the peer-reviewed journal Design and Culture (Routledge). Cosponsored by the IHC’s Disability ...

Medieval Studies Annual Colloquium: Global/Premodern/Race


Register by emailing by March 19, 2021 This symposium brings together scholars working in Iberian, Middle Eastern, and Medieval Studies to engage in a critical discussion concerning race—reevaluating both its utility as a category of analysis in the premodern world and how it has structured medieval and early modern studies as academic fields. Participants include: PAMELA PATTON (Art History, Princeton University) M. LINDSAY KAPLAN (English, Georgetown University) HANNAH BARKER (History, Arizona State University) MOHAMAD ...

CANCELLED | Living Democracy Talk: Lessons of the Hour—Frederick Douglass


THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED Artist and filmmaker, Isaac Julien, and writer and curator, Mark Nash, will screen excerpts from Julien's film "Lessons of the Hour—Frederick Douglass" in a presentation that will explore the importance of looking to history and biography to articulate contemporary cultural movements. Isaac Julien's moving image practice draws from and comments on a range of artistic disciplines including film, theatre, photography and performance. Julien is a Distinguished Professor of the Arts ...

Research Focus Group Meeting: Embracing Ecological Uncertainty through Narrative


Uncertainty is a central psychological dimension of the ecological crisis. The science of climate change brings into view widely divergent scenarios; the discrepancy between these more or less catastrophic visions of the future undermines our ontological security (in Anthony Giddens’s terminology). Dr. Caracciolo argues that literary narrative has an important role to play in cultivating readers’ ability to live with uncertainty. He describes this process as a shift from a primarily negative understanding of uncertainty ...

Humanities Decanted: Violentologies: Violence, Identity, and Ideology in Latina/o Literature


Free to attend; registration required to receive Zoom webinar attendance link Join us online for a dialogue between Ben Olguín (English, UCSB) and María Josefina Saldaña-Portillo (Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU) about Olguín’s new book, Violentologies: Violence, Identity, and Ideology in Latina/o Literature. Audience Q&A will follow. Violentologies: Violence, Identity, and Ideology in Latina/o Literature, explores how various forms of violence undergird a wide range of Latina/o subjectivities, or Latinidades, from 1835 to the present. ...

Humanities Decanted: Race Characters: Ethnic Literature and the Figure of the American Dream


Free to attend; registration required to receive Zoom webinar attendance link Join us online for a dialogue between Swati Rana (English) and Stephanie L. Batiste (English) about Rana’s new book, Race Characters: Ethnic Literature and the Figure of the American Dream. Audience Q&A will follow. A vexed figure inhabits U.S. literature and culture: the visibly racialized immigrant who disavows minority identity and embraces the American dream. Such figures are potent and controversial, for they promise ...

Conference: Fallout: Chernobyl and the Ecology of Disaster


CONFERENCE REGISTRATION The interdisciplinary virtual conference “Fallout: Chernobyl and the Ecology of Disaster” will take place on Friday, April 30, 2021 at 9:00am-4:00pm, with an international slate of speakers representing a variety of disciplines who will share their insights on the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Thirty-five years after the 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl, the interdisciplinary virtual conference Fallout: Chernobyl and the Ecology of Disaster considers its afterlife and reverberations in various disciplines, including culture ...

Living Democracy Talk: What We Can Do For Each Other


One of the greatest threats against democracy and justice is indolence--defined as a form of militant indifference based on the lack of empathy for the suffering of others. Cristina Rivera Garza will explore how taking part in and contributing to transnational emotional communities in Mexico and the U.S., many based on shared experiences of social suffering and the grieving that comes with it, may help us leap out of ourselves and into the heart of the bond we share ...

Information Session: Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program


REGISTER NOW Join the IHC to learn more about the Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program. Explore the course offerings, hear about paid internship and fellow-designed community project opportunities, and find out more about the capstone presentation. If you cannot attend the info session but would like to learn more about the program, please email Erin Nerstad at REGISTER NOW

Talk: Popular Feminist Communication: Tools for Organization in Times of Destruction


REGISTER NOW Revista Amazonas (Amazonas Magazine) is a collective made up of women from Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico and Spain. It was born out of a commitment to publishing texts and images made by women from anywhere in the world, covering all literary themes and genres, but always from a perspective that is trans-feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-colonial and in defense of all forms of life. The magazine emphasizes that focusing on what women ...

Research Focus Group Workshop: A Disability Studies Perspective on Universal Design for Learning


ATTEND DISCUSSION Professor Rachel Lambert (Education, UC Santa Barbara) will offer a workshop on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). She will shed light on its development, including roots in Universal Design. She will describe the radical possibilities in UDL, as well as critiques. She will present some of her own work, which seeks to integrate design thinking as a process for educators to use UDL to (re)design curriculum, spaces and systems. Prior to the workshop, ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Sri Sabhapati Swami and the “Translocalization” of Sivarajayoga


Keith Cantú’s talk will center on the life and yogic literature of the Tamil yogi Sri Sabhapati Swami (Capāpati Cuvāmikaḷ, 1828–1923/4). The first part of the talk will consist of an overview of Sabhapati’s life and historical context, including his interactions and falling out with the founders of the Theosophical Society, his literature and visual diagrams in numerous prestige and Indian vernacular languages, his Śaiva yogic cosmology and perspectives on Hindu traditions and other religions, ...

Keynote Address: Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Justice in a Pandemic-Prone World


Five hundred years of the colonial remaking of landscapes of most of the world’s continents have ravaged the planet in monumental ways. Empire-building has clearly benefitted people of Europe’s imperial projects while bringing catastrophic change to indigenous populations. The fallout of imperialism and all its attendant technologies has brought humankind to an existential crisis, with climate change and now pandemics as interlinked threats. This talk will bring together these issues, highlighting the wisdom contained in ...

2021 Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate: Taming Titans: How Should We Regulate Big Tech?


Free to attend; registration required to receive Zoom webinar attendance link Participants: Sonia Katyal, The University of California, Berkeley, School of Law Kate Klonick, St. John's University, School of Law Randal C. Picker, The University of Chicago, The Law School Moderator: Michael J. Burstein, Yeshiva University, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Experts on law and technology will debate how Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft should be regulated. Are they 21st-century trusts? Guardians of free ...

Humanities Decanted: Plato and the Mythic Tradition in Political Thought


Free to attend; registration required to receive Zoom webinar attendance link Join us online for a dialogue between Tae-Yeoun Keum (Political Science) and Andrew Norris (Political Science) about Keum’s new book, Plato and the Mythic Tradition in Political Thought. Audience Q&A will follow. Plato’s use of myths—the Myth of Metals, the Myth of Er—sits uneasily with his canonical reputation as the inventor of rational philosophy. Since the Enlightenment, interpreters like Hegel have sought to resolve this ...

Reading: UC Santa Barbara Student Veteran Writers


Read the student veterans’ stories in The Santa Barbara Independent. UC Santa Barbara student veterans will read stories about their military experiences, followed by audience Q&A. Presenters: David Guerrero, Robert Hickman, Michael Ramirez, and Nick Tash David Guerrero served in the United States Marine Corps as an Infantry rifleman from 2003 to 2007. He earned his AS in Criminology and Liberal Arts from Santa Barbara City College. David transferred to UCSB in the Fall of ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Willing Ethnic-Nationalists, Diffusion, and Resentment: A Micro-Foundational Account


ATTEND DISCUSSION Using evidence concerning the consolidation of Hindu nationalism in India, Aseema Sinha presents new ethnographic data about the variety of popular support for the Hindutva project and proposes an interactive theory of social identity. This framework helps us understand how Hindu nationalism becomes embedded in society. She argues that Hindu nationalism in India could be fruitfully analyzed by focusing on the processes through which ideas of exclusive nationalism spread among middle classes and ...

Talk: Women in Cooperative Agricultural Production and Consumption: The Case of Rio de Janeiro’s Rede Ecológica


REGISTER NOW The presentation will illuminate the multiple roles played by women within the infrastructure of the Rede Ecologica (Ecological Consumers’ Network) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These include: relations established with the agroecological producers; campaigns and other educational activities focused on the theme of food, nutritional security, and family-based agricultural practices; communication and networking with other social movements, among others. Through an intersectional feminist approach, we will analyze concrete experiences within territories in the ...

Discussion: Indigenous Responses to Climate Injustice and Pandemics in India and Amazonia


REGISTER NOW This webinar will feature presentations about the connections between climate justice, oil & uranium extractivism and responses to COVID-19 based on Indigenous territorial knowledges. First, Oswando Nenquimo, a Waorani leader from the Ecuadorian Amazon, will tells us about the importance of the Amazon Rainforest and the role of Indigenous organizations that he is part of: Alianza Ceibo and CONCONAWEP. He will emphasize on the challenges that oil extraction has posed for Indigenous peoples ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Race, Caste, Hierarchy, Difference: Reflections on Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste


ATTEND DISCUSSION In Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, Isabel Wilkerson brings together the freighted categories of “race” and “caste” and argues that, while the two are not synonymous, they “can and do coexi st in the same culture and serve to reinforce each other.” Wilkerson suggests that racism is the visible manifestation of a hidden and insidious caste system, a system of social domination that uses human differences in order to construct a ranking ...

Discussion: Indigenous Dialogues on Root Causes: Climate Justice and COVID-19 in California


REGISTER NOW This webinar will center dialogue on the importance of Indigenous Ecological Knowledges in California, and will offer critical perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic as a symptomatic expression of the social and ecological imbalances wrought by colonial violence and the logics of enclosure and extraction. Julie Cordero-Lamb and Hana Aqiwo Lee of the Syuxtun Plant Mentorship Collective will speak to the crucial role that medicinal plant tending, harvesting, and processing continues to play in ...

Performance: Life Is a Dream (La Vida es Sueño)


REGISTER NOW Life Is a Dream (La Vida es Sueño) by Pedro Calderón de la Barca adapted by Nilo Cruz JUNE 4  & 5, 2021/ 7 PM PDT Please join us for the Zoom staging of Pedro Calderón de la Barca's La Vida es Sueño, broadcasting live on Friday, June 4 and Saturday, June 5. This virtual fairy tale tells the story of a young prince imprisoned in a tower, a woman in disguise seeking ...

Performance: Life Is a Dream (La Vida es Sueño)


REGISTER NOW Life Is a Dream (La Vida es Sueño) by Pedro Calderón de la Barca adapted by Nilo Cruz JUNE 4  & 5, 2021/ 7 PM PDT Please join us for the Zoom staging of Pedro Calderón de la Barca's La Vida es Sueño, broadcasting live on Friday, June 4 and Saturday, June 5. This virtual fairy tale tells the story of a young prince imprisoned in a tower, a woman in disguise seeking ...

Research Focus Group Welcome Meeting One: What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media


Come join us for our first meeting of the IHC-sponsored Research Focus Group “What is a Shakespeare?” This will be the first of two welcome meetings we are hosting for the group (in order to cover more scheduling needs). The second meeting will be Thursday, October 7th at 11am PST (more info here). “What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media” is an interdisciplinary group of graduate students and faculty focused on investigating the notion ...

Research Focus Group Welcome Meeting Two: What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media


Come join us for our second meeting of the IHC-sponsored Research Focus Group “What is a Shakespeare?” This will be the second of two welcome meetings we are hosting for the group (in order to cover more scheduling needs). “What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media” is an interdisciplinary group of graduate students and faculty focused on investigating the notion of "global Shakespeare." We are interested in understanding both the ways that Shakespeare has ...

Humanities Decanted: Irwin Appel, Naked Shakes


Join us online for a dialogue between Irwin Appel (Theater and Dance) and James Kearney (English) about Appel’s theater company, Naked Shakes, and their recent production of Twelfth Night, staged outside at UCSB’s Commencement Green in front of the lagoon. Audience Q&A will follow. Naked Shakes derives its rather provocative name from the principle that an actor in a bare theatrical space, along with meticulous attention to language, few technical elements, and the collective imagination ...

Inaugural Lecture: Environmental Justice as Regeneration


The grassroots environmental justice movement and the field of environmental justice studies have evolved in creative and inspiring directions over the years. Recent work focuses on the challenges of envisioning and realizing abolition, confronting anthropogenic climate change/disruption, and articulating transformative approaches to achieving ecologically healthy and socially equitable policy-making for a “just transition.” This presentation considers what each of these areas of scholarship and politics could signal for the future of environmental justice and for ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Making Sense of Melothesia: Embodying the Zodiac in Ancient Rome and India

4080 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In this talk Tejas Aralere will present a comparative analysis of the zodiacal melothesia as it appears in Manilius’s Astronomica, a Latin astrological epic poem (ca. 20–40 CE), and in Sphujidhvaja’s Yavana Jātaka ( “Greek Horoscopy”), a Sanskrit astrological treatise (ca. second century CE). Melothesia refers to the mapping of the twelve signs of the Babylonian zodiac on twelve regions of the human body over which they possess particular influence. In a brief discussion of ...

Research Focus Group Reading Group Discussion: The Possibilities of Undisciplining with Sharon Kinoshita’s “Worlding Medieval French Literature”

3001E HSSB HSSB UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Please join us on October 18th at 2 pm in HSSB 3001E for a reading group discussion of Sharon Kinoshita’s chapter, “Worlding Medieval French Literature,” in eds. Christie McDonald and Susan Rubin Suleiman, French Global: A New Approach to Literary History (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010). As the first IHC Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group event of the year, we will begin by discussing Kinoshita’s chapter and where un-disciplining and re-disciplining ...

Research Focus Group Chalk Talk: Moving Beyond One Dimensional Shakespeare in the Classroom


Students often shy away from Shakespeare in their classes, but educators can also get nervous about teaching the Bard! Our goal for our pedagogical discussion is to reflect on our own experiences learning about and teaching Shakespeare in the classroom and how we can enhance our future teaching practices, particularly through the lens of utilizing global media and socio-culturally aware pedagogy. We will provide links to optional pre-event resources after registration, but we invite everyone ...

Research Focus Group Welcome Breakfast

HSSB Courtyard Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The Asian/American Studies Collective invites you to our Welcome Breakfast. Meet other graduate students interested in Asian/American Studies while enjoying coffee and pastries. Sponsored by the IHC's Asian/American Studies Collective Research Focus Group

Research Focus Group Discussion: Disability Studies and the Environmental Humanities


Please join the Disability Studies Initiative for a discussion of Disability Studies and the Environmental Humanities: Toward an Eco-Crip Theory (available online after signing into the UCSB library). We will focus our discussion on two chapters: “Bodies of Nature: The Environmental Politics of Disability” by Alison Kafer and “Cripping Sustainability, Realizing Food Justice” by Kim Q. Hall. This event will be moderated by Olivia Henderson. A second year graduate student in the Department of English at ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Exploding the Khoi and San Colonial Stereotypes, Reclaiming African Histories


Academic historians have largely represented the Khoi and the San people of Southern Africa as marginal to the production of the region’s history, deleting their place in the emergence and development of African civilization and self-liberation. As a public historian, intellectual, activist and healer, Attaqua’s voice has intervened to forcefully reframe the history of the indigenous people of Southern Africa. In this talk, she will speak about the Khoi and San’s long struggle against the ...

Regeneration Talk: Clint Smith


Join us online for a conversation between Clint Smith and IHC Director Susan Derwin. Audience Q&A will follow. Clint Smith is a staff writer at The Atlantic. He is the author of How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America, which was a #1 New York Times Bestseller, and the poetry collection Counting Descent, which won the 2017 Literary Award for Best Poetry Book from the Black Caucus of the ...

RFG Reading Group Discussion: Leah DeVun’s “The Monstrous Races: Mapping the Borders of Sex”

3001E HSSB HSSB UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Please join us for our second IHC Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group reading discussion. We will be discussing Leah DeVun's "Monstrous Races: Mapping the Borders of Sex" in The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021). Please email or for access to the reading. Sponsored by the IHC's Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group

Research Focus Group Roundtable: Graduate Student Research: Sam Harris and Kendall Ota

6056 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The IHC Asian/American Studies Collective (AASC) Research Focus Group will be hosting a graduate student research roundtable on November 9th from 9:30-11 am in the IHC Seminar Room (HSSB 6056). During this roundtable, two advanced graduate students, Sam Harris (Education) and Kendall Ota (Sociology), will be presenting their works-in-progress for feedback and comments from attendees. The roundtable will occur during the first hour, and we welcome attendees to stay afterward for refreshments outside in the ...

Research Focus Group Workshop: Works-in-Progress Series: Developing an Archive


In our first Works-in-Progress workshop, we will discuss various strategies and resources for developing archives related to Shakespeare and Global Media. This will include cultivating a multimedia bibliography that extends to potential source texts, critical works, and theoretical approaches, as well as developing questions and frameworks that interrogate established modes of scholarly production. We will consider questions like: What does it mean to do "global Shakespeare"? What methods and approaches push the boundaries of scholarship? ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Post and the Shell: The Sacrificability of Animals in the Vedic Village


Zoom attendance link: In this talk, Jonathan Dickstein will discuss anatomical and residential animal taxonomies as represented in canonical Vedic texts of the second and first millennia BCE. The Brāhmaṇas (900-650 BCE) in particular emphasize a residence-based categorization of animals into two main categories: “village animals” (grāmya) and “wilderness animals” (āraṇya). Following a discussion of the complexities of these two classes, Dickstein will pivot to the relationship between residence and the concept of medha, ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Work of War: Gender and Care in Kabul, Afghanistan


Zoom attendance link: Following widows and their families in the aftermath of a suicide attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, this talk centers the lives and aspirations of widows amidst serial war and serial humanitarianism. As white sentimentality structures landscapes of care in Kabul, refusal is what remains. This research is based on more than four years of fieldwork between 2006 and 2013. Dr. Anila Daulatzai is a sociocultural anthropologist and the Chancellor’s Fellow at UC ...

Research Focus Group Workshop: Why Different Models of Disability?


Rachel Lambert (Assistant Professor in Special Education and Mathematics Education, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, UC Santa Barbara) will offer a workshop on the different models of disability, including medical, social, political/ relational and complex embodiment. Lambert’s scholarly work investigates the intersections between Disability Studies in Education and mathematics education. She has conducted longitudinal studies of how Latinx students with learning disabilities construct identities as mathematics learners, and how mathematical pedagogy shapes how teachers perceive ...

Research Focus Group Roundtable: Graduate Student Research: Ryan Arellano and Jing Yu

6056 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The IHC's Asian/American Studies Collective (AASC) Research Focus Group will be hosting a graduate student research roundtable on November 16th from 9:30-11 am in the IHC Seminar Room (HSSB 6056). During this roundtable, two advanced graduate students, Ryan Arellano (Education) and Jing Yu (Education), will be presenting their works-in-progress for feedback and comments from attendees. The roundtable will occur during the first hour, and we welcome attendees to stay afterward for refreshments outside in the ...

Talk: Shards of Places, Shards of Time: Katja Petrowskaja’s Modernist Poetics of History


Zoom attendance link: A family story, a memoir, a travelogue, an intimate history of Jewish migration and persecution in the twentieth century—fitting into neither of these categories neatly, and yet resonating with all of them, Katja Petrowskaja’s Maybe Esther (2019; Vielleicht Esther, 2014) relates the narrator’s journey from Berlin to piece together her family’s history across Poland, the Ukraine, and Russia. This presentation considers fragmentation as the text’s key aesthetic quiddity to ask how ...

Research Focus Group Workshop: Phillis Wheatley’s Desire to Look


At a time when aesthetic philosophy defined whiteness in terms of the ability to behold and surveil the world, Phillis Wheatley Peters developed new forms of countervisuality in Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773). Badley's essay focuses on Peters' ekphrastic poetry, which portrays her lyric personae gazing upon paintings, people, and landscapes in ways that mark the limits of visual perception. By dramatizing spectatorship as a meditation upon opaque surfaces and inscrutable sentiments, ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Reclaiming Confiscated African Histories


Zoom attendance link: How do histories of a people get confiscated? And what is the significance of indigenous epistemologies in reclaiming stolen, silent, and distorted histories? These are some of the fundamental questions that underlie Professor Shadreck Chirikure's research on Great Zimbabwe, a prominent symbol of African civilizations of Southern Africa that colonial historiography tried very hard to wrest away from Africans over the last two centuries. Professor Chirikure has produced several publications from ...

Roundtable: Bridge Turns 40


Join Las Maestras Center, Bridge contributors, and virtual participants near and far for an evening of remembrance and celebration of the fifth and 40th Anniversary Edition of This Bridge Called My Back – Writings by Radical Women of Color. Originally released in 1981, This Bridge Called My Back is a testimony to women of color feminism as it emerged in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Through personal essays, criticism, interviews, testimonials, poetry, and visual ...

Research Focus Group Meeting: Film Discussion of Noh Macbeth


Come join the What is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media Research Focus Group as we discuss Noh Macbeth, a 2006 Japanese adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. All are welcome! Please watch the film in advance of the discussion. The film can be accessed for free via the MIT Global Shakespeare archive here: Register to attend for Zoom link Image: Noh Macbeth Sponsored by the IHC's What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media Research Focus ...

Research Focus Group Roundtable: Graduate Student Research


The Asian/American Studies Collective (AASC), a research focus group supported by the IHC, will be hosting a graduate student research roundtable via Zoom. During this roundtable, two advanced graduated students will be presenting their works-in-progress for feedback and comments from attendees. We welcome parties interested in Asian American Studies work! For questions, please email: Sponsored by the IHC’s Asian/American Studies Collective Research Focus Group

RFG Reading Group Discussion: Leah DeVun’s “The Hyena’s Unclean Sex: Beasts, Bestiaries, and Jewish Communities”


Zoom meeting link: Join the Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group as we continue reading from Leah DeVun's pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021), in preparation for her talk on January 31st. This week we will be reading the third chapter: "The Hyena's Unclean Sex: Beasts, Bestiaries, and Jewish Communities." Please email or ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Dysgenic Stories: Field Worker Reports, Contradiction, and Confinement at Sonoma State Home, 1920-1921


Our discussion will focus on Isidro González's paper and another piece of scholarship. González's research focuses on Sonoma State Home for the Feebleminded in Eldridge, California, and how eugenics field workers—those involved in observing and notating nonnormative (“dysgenic”) phenotypic, familial, and lifestyle attributes of institutionalized people—crafted individualized clinical narratives of "inmates" to not only legitimize their profession, the state employer, and the Eugenics Record Office (ERO), but also to surveil, pathologize, and medicalize “unfit” human ...

Research Focus Group Workshop: Shakespeare and Global Media Works in Progress Event #2


In our second Works-in-Progress workshop, we will discuss various strategies and resources for conducting archival work, receiving funding, and getting involved in larger scholarly activities (such as conferences, journals, and symposia) related to Shakespeare and Global Media. We will build on our previous work of cultivating a multimedia bibliography, as well as developing questions and frameworks that interrogate established modes of scholarly production. We will consider questions like: What does it mean to do “global ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Passing for Perfect Book Launch


In her new book, Passing for Perfect, erin Khuê Ninh considers the factors that drove college imposters such as Azia Kim—who pretended to be a Stanford freshman—and Jennifer Pan—who hired a hitman to kill her parents before they found out she had never received her high school diploma—to extreme lengths to appear successful. Why would someone make such an illogical choice? And how do they stage these lies so convincingly, and for so long? These ...

Regeneration Artist Talk: Harmonia Rosales


Afro-Cuban American artist Harmonia Rosales will discuss her new and dynamic body of work presented in the exhibition, Entwined. Rosales’ interweaving of representations from ancient Greek and Yoruba mythologies invites viewers to challenge their ideas about identity and empowerment. Women and people of color, the protagonists of her canvases, assume roles of power and beauty in exquisite imaginings of ancient myths and Renaissance paintings. To learn more about the exhibition Entwined, which is on display ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Discussing The Shape of Sex with Leah DeVun


Join the Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group for a guest talk and conversation with Professor Leah DeVun on DeVun's new book, The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance. We will discuss the rich history DeVun traces in premodern Europe through the intersections of race, religion, sex, and gender. Leah DeVun is Associate Professor of History and Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education at Rutgers University, as well ...

Award: Luis Leal Award For Distinction in Chicano/Latino Literature


Rubén Martínez will receive this year's Luis Leal Award for Distinction in Chicano/Latino Literature. Martínez is Professor of English and the Fletcher Jones Chair in Literature & Writing at Loyola Marymount University. His books include The Other Side: Notes from the New L.A., Mexico City & Beyond (1993), Flesh Life: Sex in Mexico (with Joseph Rodriguez, 2006), The New Americans (2004), Crossing Over: A Mexican Family over the Migrant Trail (2001), and East Side Stories ...

Regeneration Talk: Maintaining Life, Repairing the World: Ethics, Philosophy, and Literature


The COVID pandemic appeared as a threat to human life, both in the vital sense (a risk to biological life) and in the social sense (a risk to social life: disruption from the suspension of activities, lack of public transport, closure of schools, etc.). It has revealed radical vulnerabilities: of institutions, the species, and the planet; of fragile populations, workers “on the front line,” and each individual. The importance of caring for others and for ...

Research Focus Group Roundtable: Graduate Student Research


The Asian/American Studies Collective (AASC), a research focus group supported by the IHC, will be hosting a graduate student research roundtable via Zoom. During this roundtable, two advanced graduated students will be presenting their works-in-progress for feedback and comments from attendees. We welcome parties interested in Asian American Studies work! For questions, please email: Sponsored by the IHC’s Asian/American Studies Collective Research Focus Group

Research Focus Group Discussion: Disability, Blackness, and Race in US Literature


In celebration of Black History Month, the Disability Studies Initiative invites you to discuss two essays that shed light on the material intersections of disability and race: Josh Lukin's short article, "Disability and Blackness" (2006), which calls for the consideration of Black experiences in the history of disability and its artistic representations, and Michelle Jarman's "Race and Disability in US Literature" (2018), which takes its framework from Black feminist theories and calls for relational approaches ...

Humanities Decanted: The First Black Archaeologist

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Proof of full vaccination required for all attendees. READ MORE TO VIEW ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF VACCINATION DOCUMENTATION. Join us for a dialogue between John W. I. Lee (History) and Krzysztof Janowicz (Geography) about Lee's new book, The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert. Audience Q&A will follow. The First Black Archaeologist reveals the untold story of a pioneering African American classical scholar, teacher, community leader, and missionary. Born into slavery in rural ...

Talk: A Queer, Queer Race: Orientations for Early Japanese American Literature


REGISTER NOW This online talk will feature discussions and close readings from a chapter in Professor Andrew Way Leong's forthcoming book, "A Queer, Queer Race: Orientations for Japanese/American Literature." This book examines Japanese and English language texts written by Shōson, Sadakichi Hartmann, Arishima Takeo, and Yoné Noguchi—authors who resided in the United States between the opening of mass Japanese emigration in 1885 and the ban on Japanese immigration imposed by the Immigration Act of 1924. ...

Regeneration Talk: Infrastructures of Collective Life: A Formalist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis


  Free to attend; registration required to receive Zoom webinar attendance link Join us online for a talk by Caroline Levine. Audience Q&A will follow. What do scholars of literature and the arts have to offer in response to the climate crisis? The aesthetic humanities have long traditions of insisting on open-endedness, negation, and inaction. Levine argues that in this moment of rapid and destabilizing change, this tradition has reached its political limit. She makes ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Sameer Pandya


Dr. Sameer Pandya will lead a discussion with graduate students to discuss his latest novel, Members Only, as well as his broader thoughts on South Asian American Studies. Sameer Pandya is an Associate Professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at UC Santa Barbara, a fiction writer, and an interdisciplinary literary and cultural studies scholar. In both his fiction and scholarship, Pandya is primarily interested in the question of cultural dislocation and racial identity ...

Information Sessions: Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Thursday, February 24 | 4:00 PM | McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020 | VIEW IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS AND Friday, February 25 | 12:00 PM | Zoom | REGISTER NOW Join the IHC in person on 2/24 or online on 2/25 to learn more about the Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program. Explore the course requirements, hear about paid internship and fellow-designed community project opportunities, and find out more about the capstone presentation. If you would like to ...

Information Sessions: Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program


Thursday, February 24 | 4:00 PM | McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020 | VIEW IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS AND Friday, February 25 | 12:00 PM | Zoom | REGISTER NOW Join the IHC in person on 2/24 or online on 2/25 to learn more about the Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program. Explore the course requirements, hear about paid internship and fellow-designed community project opportunities, and find out more about the capstone presentation. If you would like to ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Chalk Talk Revisited


After the success of our first Chalk Talk this past fall, the What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media RFG is hosting “Chalk Talk Revisited.” Even if you weren’t able to make our first event, we welcome everyone to join us from any discipline as we continue our discussions about cultivating socio-culturally aware pedagogy and global media in the classroom. Whether you are a veteran Shakespearean or a first-timer to teaching the Bard, we ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Critical Access Studies


Thirty years after the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act, much of the built environment remains inaccessible to disabled people. Accordingly, the vast majority of research and writing on accessibility seeks to convince the unconvinced of the value of inclusion. This field, which Professor Aimi Hamraie terms “Access Studies,” would benefit from greater engagement with the concepts, practices, and political commitments of critical disability studies. In this talk, Hamraie will discuss the emerging field ...

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: A Roundtable Discussion


UCSB faculty members will discuss the invasion of Ukraine, including its historical background, regional and global ramifications, and international responses. Panelists: Benjamin J. Cohen, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science Adrienne Edgar, Professor, History Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Assistant Professor, Global Studies Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Professor Emeritus, History Adrian Ivakhiv, Visiting Scholar, Carsey-Wolf Center Cynthia Kaplan, Professor, Political Science Moderator: Sara Pankenier Weld, Professor, Germanic & Slavic Studies Live closed-captioning will be provided. Free to attend; registration required to ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Many Journeys of Robert Glenn: Memory, Slavery, and the Transition to Freedom


Professor John Majewski will speak about the 1937 WPA interview of Robert Glenn, who recounted how he was sold as a child as part of the slave trade. After emancipation, he was eventually able to find his parents. Glenn's interview is remarkably rich and detailed, and because he includes many specific names and places, Professor Majewski has been able to begin reconstructing his life using census records and other documents. The discussion will explore the ...

From Alphabetical to Digital Literacy? Some Reflections on Orality, Writing, Cultural Techniques, and Digitality

6206C Phelps Phelps Hall, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Are we witnessing the transition from alphabetic to digital literacy? But what does "literacy" mean? Going back to the discovery of the difference between orality and literacy in the 1960s and 1970s, we find a real discovery - the difference between oral and written language - combined with a problematic narrative: The supremacy of literal to oral cultures. To avoid this ideology we should consider orality and literacy as the two ends of a continuum. ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Self-Formation and Selflessness in the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Tradition

3041 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The sixteenth-century Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava tradition proposes a unique model of grace that decenters the paradigm of atonement and forgiveness and instead centers on forgetting and remembrance. In this Kṛṣṇa bhakti tradition, jīvas, embodied beings, occupy a unique intermediary position that identifies them both in relationship to Kṛṣṇa, the supreme Godhead, and to the material world of prakṛti. Jīvas can therefore choose to either turn toward or away from Kṛṣṇa. A person turns away from or ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Hungry Ghosts and the Karma of Meanness

4080 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The realm of hungry ghosts is one of the unfortunate realms of rebirth in the Buddhist cycle of existence, and those reborn there are said to have led lives consumed by greed and spite. But hungry ghosts know the error of their ways, and they sometimes appear among humans, like the ghosts that haunt Ebenezer Scrooge, as augurs of what may await. Hungry ghosts are like modern felons who participate in “scared straight” programs. In ...

Research Focus Group Workshop: Shifting Economic Power in Autun: The Donation of Constantine


Autun’s textual and material record illustrates how and why ancient patterns of life in northeast Gaul began to give way during Late Antiquity. Adopting a methodology developed in feminist historiography, this paper explores the effect on Autun’s political economy of resources funneled to Autun’s bishop by the emperor Constantine in the early 4th century. Because Constantine did not restrict his patronage just to Autun, the city serves as a case study demonstrating how the introduction ...

Regeneration Talk: Elizabeth Kolbert

Corwin Pavilion 494 UCEN Rd, Isla Vista, CA, United States

It is said that we live in a new geological epoch characterized by climate change and other disastrous human impacts on the planet. In her new book, Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth Kolbert takes a hard look at the new world we are creating. Should we be seeking technological solutions to the damage humans have caused to the environment, or will such “solutions” only make the problems ...

Regeneration Talk: The Only True Reader Is a Re-reader

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

"I sometimes think I was born reading. I can’t remember the time when I didn’t have a book in my hands, my head lost to the world around me." What Vivian Gornick did not say when she wrote these sentences was how often the book in her hands was one she had read a number of times before. It became her habit as life went on to re-read the books that had repeatedly seemed important ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Racing Time: Chronologies of Black Muslim Belonging in Arabic Epics


How do racialized icons of popular culture index Muslim ideas of history and belonging? Several Arabic epics (siyar sha‘biyya) contain Black protagonists who are assigned unique origin stories and legacies of involvement in Islam’s expansion. This talk will analyze their roles in the racial imaginaries of popular tales that proliferated from the 12th century onward across the Middle East and North Africa through oral and written traditions. Rachel Schine earned her Ph.D. in Near Eastern ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Bolstering the Bard: Pedagogy and Performance Beyond UCSB


This pedagogy event centers on an invited panel of knowledgeable actors, directors, dramaturgs, and educators to discuss experiences in conveying Shakespearean material to students and/or audiences with varying degrees of knowledge of the Bard, how to expand our methodologies as scholars, teachers, and/or artists to promote inclusivity, and how media/technology in various forms (film, social media, Zoom, etc.) can be utilized to help with these goals. The conversation will begin with introductions and a few ...

Regeneration Talk: Ensuring the Future of Historic Textiles: The Case of a Japanese Empress’s Court Gown


Objects talk to us over time and space, transmitting in their colors, shapes, textures, and materials insight into other lives and ways of living. Some we wish to preserve for their sheer beauty, others for the people, times, or places they represent. Of the items that are central to our daily lives, textiles are among the most perishable: if not used until they are rags, they still degrade naturally over time, prey to insects, mold, ...

9th Annual American Indian and Indigenous Collective (AIIC) Symposium: “Imagining Indigenous Futurities”


The Ninth Annual American Indian and Indigenous Collective (AIIC) Symposium, "Imagining Indigenous Futurities," is an interdisciplinary conference, featuring presentations from across the academy – including from the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and sciences – and from community members and practitioners beyond academic borders. This year, in selecting the theme -- "Imagining Indigenous Futurities" -- the AIIC asks participants: “What is most urgent for our communities now?” In asking this, the symposium aims to advance ...

Beethoven: The Complete Sonatas for Piano and Violin

Congregation B'nai B'rith 1000 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join violinist Alexandra Birch and pianists Alvise Pascucci, Chika Nobumori, Pete Paesaroch, Pinshu Yu, Lucía Álvarez Núñez, Marc Lombardino, and Jui-Ling Hsu for three performances of the complete sonatas for piano and violin by Beethoven. All performances will be at Congregation B'nai B'rith: Sonatas 1, 2, 3, 4 at 2 PM on April 24th; Sonatas 5, 6, 7, 8 at 7 PM on April 25th; and Sonatas 9 and 10 at 7 PM on April ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Mediterranean Displacements: Morisco Migration in the Sixteenth Century


Please join us for a talk with Dr. Mayte Green-Mercado (Professor of History at Rutgers University--Newark) on the displacement of Moriscos —Iberian Muslims forcibly converted to Catholicism in the first two decades of the sixteenth century. In this discussion of an ethno-religious minority group, we will be exploring the possibilities of undisciplining and redisciplining histories of race and race-making in the premodern Mediterranean. Mayte Green-Mercado received her B.A. in European History from the University of ...

Regeneration Talk: Afghanistan: The Forever War Ends

Corwin Pavilion 494 UCEN Rd, Isla Vista, CA, United States

After twenty years, the end of the American war in Afghanistan was ugly and chaotic, with terrible scenes of friends and allies being left behind and of the Taliban sweeping away everything America built. Did it have to be this way? Dexter Filkins, who began covering the country before the 9/11 attacks, will discuss how the Afghan state, built at such great expense, crumbled so fast, why America’s withdrawal turned out so badly, and how–whether ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Place of Africa: Erasure, Elision, and the Task of Self-Writing

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Narratives of "connectivity" typically rely on discourses about Africa as a blank space devoid of social networks that are unique, vibrant, and continually being modified. While this takes agency away from Africans, it rests on the colonial assumption that "connectivity," just as "civilization" before it, is inherently exogenous, white, and male. This talk begins with the Rhodesian fantasy of connecting Africa from the Cape to Cairo and traces this logic through the contemporary discourse of ...

GCLR Dissertation Writing Workshop


Please join us for this year's second GCLR Dissertation and Prospectus Writing Workshop for graduate students from any department in the Humanities at UCSB. Our presenter will be Linshan Jiang 蒋林珊, a doctoral candidate in the UCSB Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, who is presenting a chapter from her dissertation entitled "Mobilizing Shame: Tension between Nationalism and Feminism in Nieh Hualing’s Far Away, A River and Zhang Ling’s A Single Swallow." Linshan's ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Global Adaptations: Throne of Blood


This discussion will focus on Akira Kurosawa's 1957 film, Throne of Blood, as a key twentieth-century film and as an adaption of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Discussion will be centered around a number of key critical questions, such as: What does Kurosawa bring to Shakespeare? How can we understand this as part of a larger history of Shakespeare and adaptation? How has this film been influenced by and subsequently influenced global cinema and global Shakespeare? What are ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Indian Ramayana and Its Regional Performance Traditions

2135 Social Sciences and Media Studies SSMS UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In this talk, Paula Richman will provide a brief survey of the major performance traditions in which the Ramayana narrative is enacted in different regions of India, including Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Assam. She will then provide analyses of two examples of how specific sets of theatrical conventions shape the representation of familiar characters. The 1954 Tamil mythological drama, “The King of Lanka,” starring Manohar, begins and ends as a conventional ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Is a Tekagami a Text? Reading the Fragmentary in a Calligraphy Album

4080 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join the Transregional East Asia RFG for a talk by Edward Kamens entitled, "Is a Tekagami a Text? Reading the Fragmentary in a Calligraphy Album." Edward Kamens is Sumitomo Professor of Japanese Studies, Yale University, and Paul I. Terasaki Chair in U.S.-Japan Relations, UCLA. Sponsored by the IHC's Transregional East Asia Research Focus Group, East Asia Center, and Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies

Silicon Valley Requiem: A Posthuman Electro-Acoustic Concert

UCSB Studio Theater TD East 1101, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Silicon Valley Requiem is a composition based on the requiem mass but replacing the liturgical environment with the public theater of Tech CEOs. A trio of synthesized male voices singing Gregorian chant melodies is paired with two live female performers singing statements regarding their actions on earth to a monolithic adjudicating soprano projected above. The application of contemporary technology on medieval plainchant creates a plethora of complex philosophical questions. What does it mean for non-humans ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: “Backwater Puritans”? Racism, Egyptological Stereotypes, and the Intersection of Local and International at Kushite Tombos

6056 HSSB and Zoom

Egyptological and more popular perceptions of Nubia and the Kushite Dynasty (c. 747-654 BCE) have framed Kush as a periphery to civilized Egypt, unsophisticated interlopers in Egypt and the broader Mediterranean world during the first millennium. But to what extent was Nubia a “backwater” to “effete and sophisticated” Egypt, as John Wilson once asserted? It is clear from recent archaeological work at Tombos and elsewhere that Nubia was not an unsophisticated backwater. Objects with Egyptianizing ...

Regeneration Talk: The Tulsa Race Massacre: Causes, Cover Up, and the Fight for the Past

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The 1921 Tulsa race massacre was the worst single incident of racial violence in American history. But for decades its very existence was denied. Official records went missing, incriminating articles were torn out of bound volumes of old newspapers, and researchers even had their lives threatened. Award-winning author and historian Scott Ellsworth, author of The Ground Breaking: An American City and Its Search for Justice, unpacks the story of the massacre and the challenges it ...

Conference: Global Snapshot: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Media, Performativity, and Global Communities


Many scholars have questioned what the rise of globalization, facilitated through new forms of technology, could mean for our ability to study and reach larger audiences. While some media practitioners and researchers have struggled to keep pace, changes to global technologies also present the benefits of accessibility and creativity. Due to the impacts of Covid-19, global media has become an ever more vital avenue for continuing typical social practices in scholarship and artistic endeavors like ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Saving the Dead: Conceptions of Agency in Tibetan Buddhist Funerary Rituals

4080 HSSB UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In this talk, Rory Lindsay will share with us insights from his forthcoming book, Saving the Dead: Tibetan Funerary Rituals in the Tradition of the Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra (2022). He will discuss the history of one of the first Buddhist funerary traditions to be adopted in Tibet and the intersecting forms of agency—human, nonhuman, and material—that are described in this tradition's ritual manuals. He will also examine polemical exchanges about these practices and Tibetan innovations concerning ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Buddhismcrip – Queered Variabilities


People performing diverse embodiments of sexualities, gender, and variable physical and neurological patterns, among others, often encounter specific difficulties and sometimes hostility when practicing Buddhism. In this talk, Professor Bee Scherer will look at these experiences of abjection, their grounding in social psychology, and how they relate to positions found in Buddhist philosophy and narratives. How can we negotiate oppressive readings of, for example, key Buddhist notions such as karma, No-Self, and detachment? How can ...

Hamlet’s Big Adventure! (A Prequel)

Isla Vista Community Center 976 Embarcadero del Mar, Isla Vista, CA

Before the tragedy, before the betrayal, there was a performance! Isla Vista Arts and Not Necessarily Shakespeare in the Park present "Hamlet's Big Adventure (A Prequel)," a new play by Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor and directed by Grace Kimball. Showtimes are on June 3 and 4 at 4 PM; admission is free. Join us for a night full of laughs!

Asian/American Studies Collective Graduate Symposium

6020 and 5024 HSSB HSSB, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The Asian/American Studies Collective RFG will host a Graduate Symposium featuring discussions on Asian American classroom experiences, Asian American genres, performing Asian America, legacies of violence, and settler colonialism, as well as a keynote by Dr. Heidi Amin-Hong (UCSB).

Asian/American Studies Collective Welcome Breakfast

HSSB Courtyard Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join the Asian/American Studies Collective (AASC) to kick-off our academic programming for the year! This is an informal gathering for any and all graduate students or faculty who work in or are interested in Asian American Studies. It is also the perfect opportunity to meet members of the collective and to learn more about what we have planned for the year! Free coffee and pastries provided. No RSVP necessary. Sponsored by the IHC’s Asian/American Studies Collective Research ...

IHC Open House

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

You are invited to the IHC’s Open House on Thursday, September 29, from 4-6 pm. Meet new Humanities faculty, IHC fellows, and staff members. Learn about Too Much Information, our 2022-23 public events series. Find out about our publicly engaged programs and funding resources for faculty and graduate students. Enjoy good food, drink, and conversation. Cosponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center and the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts

Inaugural Lecture: Too Much or Too Little?

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

For a long time, information was scarce. Messages and letters were transmitted at the speed of human or equine legs. The materials upon which information was inscribed were either too heavy or too perishable to circulate. But by the end of the eighteenth century, as machines took over, not only the means of transmitting information but what counted as information had changed. Knowledge and experience now yielded to the objectivity of information, grounded, for example, ...

Research Focus Group Event: Meet and Greet Open House

Early Modern Center, 2510 South Hall Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The co-conveners of the Disability Studies Initiative invite you to come and join us for tea or coffee. We will discuss as a group potential activities for the year and come up with an agenda of exciting events and initiatives. Let's meet face to face if you can. Participants may also register and join us online so we can exchange ideas and brainstorm about current research in Critical Disability Studies. Let's continue our work on ...

Conference: Satyajit Ray and the Sense of Wonder

Wallis Annenberg Conference Room 4315 SSMS, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

This three-day conference and accompanying film series have been organized to celebrate the birth centenary of the renowned Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray (1921-1992). Most critical evaluations of Ray, which tend to focus on his films while overlooking his considerable literary and design output, have consecrated him as a modernist master or a postcolonial auteur. Such discussions are often couched in terms of modernity and tradition, Orientalism and nativism, objectivity and irrationality, skepticism and enchantment, art ...

TMI Talk: Make a Poem Cry: Creative Writing from California’s Lancaster Prison

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Make a Poem Cry is an anthology from one of California’s high-security prisons brought to us through the creative writing classes of Luis J. Rodríguez. Rodríguez and formerly incarcerated writer Kenneth E. Hartman have selected work penned from 2016 to 2018. These are poems, essays, stories, and more mined from the depths of familial, racial, and economic violence. They are imaginings for how to address trouble and crime without punishment, dehumanization, and violence in return. ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Reading David Sterling Brown’s “‘Hood feminism’: Whiteness and segregated (premodern) scholarly discourse in the post-postracial era”

2635 South Hall South Hall, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Please join us on Monday, October 17th, at 1 PM for a reading group discussion of David Sterling Brown's recent article, "'Hood feminism': Whiteness and segregated (premodern) scholarly discourse in the post-postracial era," and "Teaching guide for: 'Hood feminism’: Whiteness and segregated (premodern) scholarly discourse in the post-postracial era." Both works appeared in the 2021 special issue of Literature Compass, "Race Before Race: Premodern Critical Race Studies," edited by Dorothy Kim. As the first Un-disciplining ...

Humanities Decanted: The Bones of Contention

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Leo Cabranes-Grant (Spanish and Portuguese, Theater and Dance) and Juan Pablo Lupi (Spanish and Portuguese) about Cabranes-Grant’s new play, The Bones of Contention. Refreshments will be served. The Bones of Contention describes the efforts of Yitipaka (an imaginary California town) to regain its economic and social stability after the COVID pandemic. Constructed as two collective latinx murals (one dedicated to the older generation, one dedicated to younger people), the ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Intellectual Disability, the English Law, and the Fools of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

2510 South Hall UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

This talk will examine how fools in early modern drama and literature were considered intellectually disabled, if viewed in the light of early modern criteria for intellectual disability. The English law was the discipline that most of all strove to conceptualize such a disability: calling it idiocy, it defined it as someone’s incapacity to manage property. Such thinking influenced the way literary characters were represented on the stage and page. Hence, they showcased a tendency ...

Alt-Right Media Literacy Series: Memeing their Way into the Mainstream: A Cultural Approach to Understanding the US Far Right


The election of Donald Trump and the eventual J6th attempted insurrection left many people wondering how we got to this point. The answer to that question is multidimensional, complex, and nuanced, and this talk focuses on several pieces that helped generate the current moment. A broad constellation of far-right extremism highly adept at marketing ideas and emotions and far more sophisticated than often understood played a key role in rebranding white supremacy to ensure wider ...

Research Focus Group Discussion: Disability in Latin American and Latinx Contexts


Please join us for a discussion on disability in Latin American and Latinx contexts. While disability studies is a diverse and evolving field, much of the focus has been on exploring disabled bodyminds in the context of the Global North, often leaving out questions of neoliberalism, colonialism, and racialization. This conversation will begin to explore how scholars interested in disability might begin expanding this conversation by including both Latin American and US Latinx perspectives on ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Transnational Jewish Tradition and Memory in the Landscapes of Maurice Sendak


This talk examines the role of Jewish folk traditions and memory in the picture books of the late Maurice Sendak (1928-2012), with special attention to Sendak’s handling of landscape and natural elements. Sendak’s own biography reflects a move in the 1970s from the urban spaces of Brooklyn and Manhattan to the forested landscape of Ridgefield, Connecticut. His work speaks to the experience of first-generation children of immigrants in early twentieth-century America, drawing on a Yiddish-inflected ...

Conference: XXV International Colloquium on Mexican Literature: Ciudad y Mujer / Woman and City

Mosher Alumni Hall, BC Forum SBCC

This year's colloquium will place Santa Barbara in the center: its history (as an original town and a colonial city of Spanish migration in past centuries, as well as Mexican and Central American migration in more recent times); its current situation; the richness of its archives; the attractiveness of its streets. With that in mind, we will explore how women intervene in urban space and temporality, and the ways they construct memory and experience. For ...

Talk: Un Llanto Colectivo: a PerformaProtesta


Join via Zoom here This talk will be an examination of the llanto (wail/scream) as political performance praxis through reflecting on the collective work of Cherríe Moraga, Celia Herrera Rodríguez and approximately twenty-five artists to stage a “PerformaProtesta,” Un llanto colectivo, at San Diego immigrant detention centers following the separation of migrant families during the summer of 2018. It discusses this “llanto space” as an alternative to the politics of recognition and representation, and the ...

Humanities Decanted: Hollywood’s Embassies

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Ross Melnick (Film and Media Studies) and Charles Wolfe (Film and Media Studies) about Melnick’s new book, Hollywood’s Embassies: How Movie Theaters Projected American Power Around the World. Refreshments will be served. Beginning in the 1920s, audiences around the globe were seduced not only by Hollywood films but also by lavish movie theaters that were owned and operated by the major American film companies. These theaters aimed to provide ...

Talk: Anti-Racist Paradoxes

Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, Room 1217 Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In this talk, Dr. Luis Martín Valdiviezo Arista will analyze some current discourses in the political and educational spheres that confront inequalities and injustices derived from racism that despite their best intentions, are nevertheless still based on racist assumptions. Dr. Valdiviezo Arista earned his EdD in Social Justice Education and his MEd in International Education at UMass-Amherst. Previously, he received his License in Philosophy and Bachelor in Humanities at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Peru (PUCP) ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Leah Goldberg’s Psychogeographical Mapping of Hebrew Children’s Culture


This talk examines the comparative representations of the Mizrahi immigrant and the Holocaust refugee through the motif of the child immigrant to Israel in the mid-20th century through the work of Leah Goldberg (1911-1970). A prolific modernist poet, author, playwright, literary translator, and comparative literary critic who chaired the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Goldberg's focus upon dislocation and language in her work for both adults and children is informed ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Consensus without Collaboration? The Future of Emotion Research from the Perspective of History


In recent years, multiple disciplines have converged on a biocultural understanding of human emotion, sensation and experience, but knowledge production in disciplinary silos remains. This talk is about the discipline of history's positionality in this budding, if unwitting, consensus among social neuroscientists, social psychologists, transcultural psychiatrists, neurophilosophers, and social scientists. Positioning history as a bridge builder, it nevertheless outlines the significant obstacles to genuine transdisciplinary collaboration. Rob Boddice (Ph.D., FRHistS) is Senior Research Fellow at ...

Humanities Decanted: Jody Enders, Translating Medieval Farce

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Jody Enders (French and Italian) and Leo Cabranes-Grant (Spanish and Portuguese, Theater and Dance) about Enders' two new edited and translated volumes of medieval French comedies. Refreshments will be served. Trial by Farce: A Dozen Medieval French Comedies in Modern English (University of Michigan Press, 2023) In Trial by Farce, prize-winning theater historian Jody Enders brings twelve of the funniest legal farces to English-speaking audiences in a refreshingly uncensored but ...

Roundtable Discussion: Isaac Julien’s Once Again…(Statues Never Die)

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a discussion with Isaac Julien about his process of creating Once Again… (Statues Never Die). Commissioned by the Barnes Foundation on the occasion of its 100th Anniversary in 2022, Julien’s immersive, black-and-white, five-screen, on-site video installation Once Again… (Statues Never Die) brings to light the relationship between Dr. Albert C. Barnes, who was an early U.S. collector and exhibitor of African material culture, and the famed African American philosopher and cultural critic ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Trials and Tribulations of Bambi and the Inscrutable Felix Salten, Lover of Animals


This talk follows Jack Zipes' recent publication of his new translation of Felix Salten's Bambi (1923). Zipes' research for this book demonstrates that Bambi was essentially a Jew, as were all the animals in the forest, and that he and they had to spend their lives avoiding pogroms in the forest and learning to deal with loneliness. Salten wrote other books, such as Fifteen Rabbits (1928) and Bambi's Children: The Story of a Forest Family ...