
Humanities Decanted

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Humanities Decanted: Thomas Mazanec

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Thomas Mazanec (East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies) and Xiaorong Li (East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies) about Mazanec’s new book, Poet-Monks: The Invention of Buddhist Poetry in Medieval China. Poet-Monks focuses on the literary and religious practices of Buddhist poet-monks in Tang-dynasty China to propose an alternative historical arc of medieval Chinese poetry. Combining large-scale quantitative analysis with close readings of important literary texts, Mazanec describes how Buddhist ...

Humanities Decanted: Swati Chattopadhyay

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Swati Chattopadhyay (History of Art and Architecture) and Cristina Venegas (Film and Media Studies) about Chattopadhyay's new book, Small Spaces: Recasting the Architecture of Empire. Chattopadhyay recasts the history of the British empire by focusing on the small spaces that made the empire possible. Her book takes as its subject a series of small architectural spaces, objects, and landscapes of the British empire in India and uses them to ...

Humanities Decanted: Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky (Global Studies) and Dwight Reynolds (Religious Studies) about Hamed-Troyansky’s new book, Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims and the Late Ottoman State. Empire of Refugees reframes late Ottoman history through mass displacement and reveals the origins of refugee resettlement in the modern Middle East. Hamed-Troyansky offers a historiographical corrective: the nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire created a refugee regime, predating refugee systems set up by the League of Nations ...

Humanities Decanted: William Davies King

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between William Davies King (Theater and Dance) and Jessica Nakamura (Theater and Dance) about King’s new book, Finding the Way to 'Long Day's Journey Into Night': Eugene O’Neill and Carlotta Monterey O’Neill at Tao House. In this book, King offers a new way to approach Eugene O’Neill’s most famous play by reading this intensely autobiographical masterpiece in terms of the Taoism-inspired California house where it was written on the verge ...

Humanities Decanted: Daina Sanchez

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue with Daina Sanchez (Chicana and Chicano Studies) and Omar Pimienta (Spanish and Portuguese) about Sanchez's new book, The Children of Solaga: Indigenous Belonging across the U.S.-Mexico Border. In The Children of Solaga, Sanchez examines how Indigenous Oaxacan youth form racial, ethnic, community, and national identities away from their ancestral homeland. Assumptions that Indigenous peoples have disappeared altogether, or that Indigenous identities are fixed, persist in the popular imagination. This is ...

Humanities Decanted: Lisa Jacobson

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Lisa Jacobson (History) and Erika Rappaport (History) about Jacobson's new book, Intoxicating Pleasures: The Reinvention of Wine, Beer, and Whiskey after Prohibition. In popular memory, the repeal of US Prohibition in 1933 signaled alcohol’s decisive triumph in a decades-long culture war. But as Lisa Jacobson reveals, alcohol’s respectability and mass market success were neither sudden nor assured. It took a world war and a battalion of public relations experts ...

Humanities Decanted: Juan Cobo Betancourt

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a dialogue between Juan Cobo Betancourt (History) and Antonio Cortijo (Spanish and Portuguese) about Cobo's new book, The Coming of the Kingdom: The Muisca, Catholic Reform, and Spanish Colonialism in the New Kingdom of Granada. The Coming of the Kingdom explores the experiences of the Indigenous Muisca peoples of the New Kingdom of Granada (Colombia) during the first century of Spanish colonial rule. Focusing on colonialism, religious reform, law, language, and historical ...