RFG Reading Group Discussion: Leah DeVun’s “The Hyena’s Unclean Sex: Beasts, Bestiaries, and Jewish Communities”
ZoomZoom meeting link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/84025262121?pwd=SGVQRFpnbkhlcUlZcTBZRTRRa0VvUT09 Join the Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group as we continue reading from Leah DeVun's pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021), in preparation for her talk on January 31st. This week we will be reading the third chapter: "The Hyena's Unclean Sex: Beasts, Bestiaries, and Jewish Communities." Please email reemtaha@ucsb.edu or ...