
IHC Research Focus Groups

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Research Focus Group Talk: Beyond the “New Cold War”: Intimating Movements across Taiwan and Asian/Pacific/America

4202 HSSB

Taiwan has long held a pivotal—if “strategically ambiguous”—position in inter-imperial tensions over global influence and has in recent decades been frequently used to refurbish debates over a “new Cold War.” Situated at the nexus of inter-imperial entanglements, settler-colonial formations, and migrant labor networks, Taiwan’s perpetually unresolved status is, Wong argues, pivotal not only for the geopolitics of empire but more importantly for its place in trans-geographical alliance building for those who have long survived, navigated, ...

Research Focus Group Talk: One China, Many Taiwans: The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism

4202 HSSB

In his talk, Ian Rowen will highlight how Chinese tourism split Taiwan into “Two Taiwans”—one portrayed as part of China for Chinese tour groups, and the other experienced as the everyday reality of local residents and independent travelers. He will also examine how this dynamic intensified conflicts between business, civil society, and government entities with differing stakes in maintaining a PRC-focused tourism industry, ultimately contributing to a more diverse civic nationalism in Taiwan. Rowen's book ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Matchstick for Survival: Indigenous Writing in the Russian Arctic

6320 Phelps and Zoom

As part of a new lecture series, "Children's Literature, Cultural Preservation, and Language Revitalization," the Global Childhood Media Research Focus Group invites you to a talk by Indigenous author Kseniia Bolshakova (Dolgan) entitled "Matchstick for Survival: Indigenous Writing in the Russian Arctic." Indigenous author Kseniia Bolshakova will give a talk on her decolonial book The Frost Also Melts. The novel explores the fate of Arctic Indigenous nomads through the personal story of a child raised ...

The Lawrence Badash Memorial Lecture Series: The Human Factor: Work as Science in Twentieth-Century China

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

In 1935, the Commercial Press in Shanghai published a modest-sized volume on a subject most of its readers likely never heard of. Titled An Overview of Industrial Psychology (工業心理學概觀), this text was written by a young psychologist who was trained in and recently returned from Britain. It was the first in Chinese on the titular subject, which promised to (amid other things) “restore the rightful place of human beings in processes of production.” What was ...

Research Focus Group Talk: The Child Labor Issue as Depicted in the TV Cartoon Meena Ki Kahani


In this talk, Dr. Jawa Jha focuses on child labor, particularly the issues faced by the girl child as depicted in the TV cartoon series Meena Ki Kahani (Stories of Meena), broadcast in India. This presentation is divided broadly into three main sections. The first section provides a brief overview of India’s children literature, tracing its transition from oral storytelling traditions to visual media like cartoon-based TV shows. The second section examines child labor issues ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Dual Language Picturebooks in Aotearoa: Contributions to Language Revitalisation and Critical Language Awareness


As part of a new lecture series, Children’s Literature, Cultural Preservation, and Language Revitalization, the Global Childhood Media Research Focus Group invites you to a talk by Prof. Nicola Daly entitled "Dual Language Picturebooks in Aotearoa: Contributions to Language Revitalisation and Critical Language Awareness." In this talk, Prof. Nicola Daly will traverse a range of research studies exploring the contribution of dual language picturebooks to language revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drawing on her new ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Outside the Box: Cardboard in Contemporary Children’s Culture

3145 SSMS 3145 SSMS, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The cardboard box has long been regarded as the imaginative plaything par excellence. In 2005, the box was inducted into the Toy Association’s Toy Industry Hall of Fame at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, NY—institutionalizing a decades-old association between cardboard and children’s creative play. On the page and onscreen, in museum galleries, schools, toy aisles, and at home, today cardboard occupies a privileged position within children’s material culture where the promises of ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Inside Chinese Theater: Archive of the Invisible and the Sino-Soundscape in North America

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The defining tunes of the Sinophone community in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were those of the Cantonese opera performed in Chinese theaters. This history has been invisible due to the scarcity of materials about Sinophone community in archives. The sonic imageries were also imprisoned by the mounting derision in English newspapers and travelogues. Drawing from the diary of a Chinese laborer to piece together the history of vibrant Chinese theaters, this talk offers ...

Research Focus Group Talk: Conversing with the Afrofuture: An Evening with Nalo Hopkinson

Mosher Alumni Hall Mosher Alumni House, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The Creative Critical Writing Initiative (housed in the English Department) welcomes Dr. Nalo Hopkinson for an upcoming talk, “Conversing with the Afrofuture: An Evening with Nalo Hopkinson.” Nalo Hopkinson is an author, Professor of Creative Writing at The University of British Columbia, and the 2021 Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master for lifetime achievement in science fiction and fantasy. Born in Jamaica, Dr. Hopkinson has taught, lived, and created across the Caribbean, the United States, and ...

Research Focus Group Roundtable and Workshop: Celebrating Restorative Relations: Connections between climate resilience, Indigenous rights, and land & water rematriation

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Join us for a roundtable discussion and workshop with guest speakers— featuring conversations between Indigenous and allied movement builders, practitioners, and organizers— exploring connections between climate resilience, Indigenous rights, and land & water rematriation. This will be an opportunity to gather and address relationships between Land Back movements and politics, processes of reciprocity, and resilient ecosystems, as well as the importance of decommissioning and dam removal within energy transitions, among other responses to global climate ...