In Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche means the “precious one” and may refer to reincarnated and respected lamas who are spiritual teachers of past and present. Originally from India and educated in Tibetan Buddhist traditions, our guest speaker, Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche, is an unconventional Buddhist monk and scholar. During the workshop, Rinpoche will introduce and guide participants through Buddhist meditation, demonstrating how embodied practice is integral to the ecology of texts and can be viewed as a unique approach to archival research.
This in-person workshop is organized by the Collective for Archival Research of Embodiment (CARE), a UC-wide, multi-campus graduate student working group sponsored by UCHRI. We invite students, faculty, and employees from all UC campuses to join us for this Buddhist practice-learning event. Due to a limit of 15 spots, the workshop will be first come, first served. Please register for the event here.
Cosponsored by an IHC Graduate Collaborative Award, University of California Humanities Research Institute, and Department of Religious Studies.