Kelly Gluckman, Leora Fridman, Johanna Hedva, Patty Berne
Healing/Arts is a free, virtual symposium that brings together creative practitioners from literary studies, medical humanities, disability justice, and performance for a series of talks and workshops on the relationship between the arts and health activism. Featured facilitators Kelly Gluckman, Leora Fridman, Johanna Hedva, and Patty Berne will examine the role the creative arts might play in critiquing the institutional configurations of American healthcare and the normative imperatives underlying idealized notions of health. And they will explore the arts’ capacity to help us reimagine and produce individual and collective well-being by inviting participants to experiment with modes of communal engagement including somatic exercises, writing, discussion, performance, and art making. Please visit for more information.
Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, Humanities and Fine Arts Division Office of the Dean, Graduate Center for Literary Research, Department of English Literature and Mind Research Center, and MultiCultural Center.