Rachel Lambert (Assistant Professor in Special Education and Mathematics Education, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, UC Santa Barbara) will offer a workshop on the different models of disability, including medical, social, political/ relational and complex embodiment. Lambert’s scholarly work investigates the intersections between Disability Studies in Education and mathematics education. She has conducted longitudinal studies of how Latinx students with learning disabilities construct identities as mathematics learners, and how mathematical pedagogy shapes how teachers perceive students as disabled.
Zoom attendance link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/84716751476?pwd=d3JPWlN0eVFoVlBYeHFtSU1OdGJ6QT09
Co-sponsored by the IHC Disability Studies Initiative Research Focus Group, CODE, the Associated Students Commission on Disability Equality, and the UCSB Comparative Literature Program