IHC Research Support

Please join us in celebrating our 2024-25 Faculty Fellows, whose works-in-progress are supported this year by IHC release-time awards. Fellows will give a short presentation of their work. A reception will follow. Stephanie Malia Hom, French and Italian “On Redemption: Slavery & Colonialism in Italy” Susan Hwang, East...

Join via Zoom here This talk will be an examination of the llanto (wail/scream) as political performance praxis through reflecting on the collective work of Cherríe Moraga, Celia Herrera Rodríguez and approximately twenty-five artists to stage a “PerformaProtesta,” Un llanto colectivo, at San Diego immigrant detention...

Silicon Valley Requiem is a composition based on the requiem mass but replacing the liturgical environment with the public theater of Tech CEOs. A trio of synthesized male voices singing Gregorian chant melodies is paired with two live female performers singing statements regarding their actions...

Join violinist Alexandra Birch and pianists Alvise Pascucci, Chika Nobumori, Pete Paesaroch, Pinshu Yu, Lucía Álvarez Núñez, Marc Lombardino, and Jui-Ling Hsu for three performances of the complete sonatas for piano and violin by Beethoven. All performances will be at Congregation B'nai B'rith: Sonatas 1,...

The 26th biennial Congress of the International Research Society for Children's Literature (IRSCL) will be hosted at the University of California, Santa Barbara on August 12-17, 2023 and will be devoted to the theme "Ecologies of Childhood." This is the first time the IRSCL Congress...

REGISTER NOW This online talk will feature discussions and close readings from a chapter in Professor Andrew Way Leong's forthcoming book, "A Queer, Queer Race: Orientations for Japanese/American Literature." This book examines Japanese and English language texts written by Shōson, Sadakichi Hartmann, Arishima Takeo, and Yoné...

Zoom attendance link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/89607162040 A family story, a memoir, a travelogue, an intimate history of Jewish migration and persecution in the twentieth century—fitting into neither of these categories neatly, and yet resonating with all of them, Katja Petrowskaja’s Maybe Esther (2019; Vielleicht Esther, 2014) relates the...

Five hundred years of the colonial remaking of landscapes of most of the world’s continents have ravaged the planet in monumental ways. Empire-building has clearly benefitted people of Europe’s imperial projects while bringing catastrophic change to indigenous populations. The fallout of imperialism and all its...

REGISTER NOW Charrúa women have gone through dispossession, exclusion, and negation that left marks on their collective memory and body-territory. This genocidal process did not end in 19th-century Uruguay, but continues today and manifests itself every time that institutions or civil society denies their existence as...

Register by emailing global.premodern.race@gmail.com by March 19, 2021 This symposium brings together scholars working in Iberian, Middle Eastern, and Medieval Studies to engage in a critical discussion concerning race—reevaluating both its utility as a category of analysis in the premodern world and how it has structured...

Zoom Meeting Link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/89256077958?pwd=Mlp2MWFNVENGRTNmZXFIb2k0WE5rZz09 Zoom Room Password: chile FEMINISMS FROM BELOW, AND TOWARDS THE SOUTH This speaker series welcomes feminist militants from Latin America to share their perspectives and experiences on building popular power towards a mass feminist movement. Over the past decade, Latin American feminists have identified...

UCSB Associate Professor Isabel Bayrakdarian will direct undergraduate students from UCSB’s Opera Outreach Program in a free community performance of Evan Mack’s 2016 children’s opera Lucinda y las Flores de la Nochebuena on Sunday, December 8, 2019 at 6 pm in Karl Geiringer Hall on...

In this talk, I consider the shifting, tumultuous, and consequential field of emotions that contemporaries perceived as defining public life in Russia during its “revolutionary” age. I take this story from the stillborn revolution of 1905, into global war and transnational revolution, through a bloody...

MODELING THE PACIFIC: OCEANIC RESEARCH IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND HUMANITIES OCTOBER 10-12, 2019 MOSHER ALUMNI HALL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA The three-day conference brings together scholars from the sciences and humanities to discuss the history and function of modeling for our understanding of oceans, in general, and the...

9:30 am - 11:00 am - Faculty Funding Panel 11:15 am - 12:00 pm - Graduate Funding Panel Shana Melnysyn, Research Grants Manager at the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), will host information sessions for faculty and graduate students who want to learn more about UCHRI's...

Disquantified: Higher Education in the Age of Metrics www.disquantified.org May 16-17, 2019 Loma Pelona Center and the UCen (Harbor Room) Metrics are transforming higher education. The Disquantified conference explores how they are changing teaching, research, and governance in universities. Our questions include: How are citation analytics affecting the direction...

CHIMERA is a science fiction play set in 2050 that centers around a love triangle and an artificially intelligent firefighting cyborg named AICH#805. Entertaining the fate of human existence in an era of climate change, the play discusses technological innovations that move us closer to...

How are Black histories re-purposed and re-imagined as they move across mediums? Considering that both literature and theatre have advanced causes of Black liberation across historical eras and genres, our aim is to think through creative adaptations of Black histories as both a conduit for social change...

Contemporary Asian American Activism and Intergenerational Perspectives: An Activist-Scholar Symposium January 24-25, 2019 at UC Santa Barbara This symposium brings together some of the most important Asian American community organizers and activist-scholars to discuss various aspects of Asian American grassroots activism today, including immigrant rights, environmental justice, labor,...

Social research stands at a crossroads. On the one hand, new data sources and methods offer scholars unprecedented opportunities to understand and influence the social world.  On the other hand, fiscal constraints, security risks, misinformation campaigns, and “post-truth culture” threaten both the funding and the credibility of this...

All UCSB faculty members are encouraged to join us for a presentation by David Theo Goldberg, Director of the University of California Humanities Research Institute, about upcoming UCHRI funding opportunities. The presentation will be followed by a roundtable featuring UCSB grant recipients Juan Cobo (History), Alenda...

A research integrity specialist from the Office of Research will explain the Institutional Review Board process and discuss ethical issues for researches who work with human subjects....