07 Jun 2021-22 in the IHC Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program
June 7, 2022
Welcome New Fellows
Ten new Fellows joined the program this year: Maisnam Arnapal (Feminist Studies), Ricardo Delgado Solis (Chicana and Chicano Studies), Solaire Denaud (Comparative Literature), Olivia Henderson (English), Megan Sheard (History of Art and Architecture), MariaCarolina Sintura (English), Abylay Stambayev (History), Morgane Thonnart (Religious Studies), Kira Weiss (Music), and Eunwoo Yoo (Theater and Dance). MEET THE FELLOWS

Four fellows completed the program this year: Unita Ahdifard (English), Jordan Tudisco (Comparative Literature), George Ygarza (Global Studies), and Maya Zaynetdinova (Global Studies). Visit their Fellows Pages to learn more about their work.

Watch the CapstonesFellows completing the program discuss their training, work, and identities as public humanists.
Fellows Use their Skills
Fellows complete their Practicum by partnering with nonprofit and community organizations.
Jordan Tudisco, Communications Fellow internship with the Partnership for Re-Entry Program (PREP) – READ THE INTERVIEW
George Ygarza, Digital story mapping and housing injustice project with Black Lives Matter Paterson – WATCH THE PRESENTATION

Learning to Podcast
MariaCarolina Sintura participated in a week-long Podcasting Institute through the National Humanities Center, during which she learned the fundamentals of podcasting and created a pilot episode for a new podcast, “Root U: Blossoming at the University,” with a group of graduate students from across the country.

In September 2021, Amanda Brush began as the ACLS Leading Edge Fellow at SAGE, the world’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ elders. In January 2022, Christopher MacMahon was selected as the new Director of the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Boulder City, Nevada. |
Would you like to prepare for a career as a socially engaged humanist within or beyond the academy? Contact us to learn more about what participating in the program might look like for you. |
Five fellows will complete internships and community projects this summer, and fellows will take courses in History and Theory of Public Humanities (Fall 2022) and Skills for the Public Sphere (Winter 2023). If you’ve been considering applying to join the program, now is the time! |