09 Jun Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender Research Focus Group
“Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender” is an IHC Research Focus Group bringing together graduate students and faculty from various disciplines to investigate the critical intersections of race and gender in premodern studies. We engage the ‘premodern’ as a way of addressing the resonances of the past in our contemporary moment while complicating the traditional Eurocentric disciplinary boundaries that set the ‘Middle Ages’ and the ‘Renaissance’ apart from the ‘modern’ within the academy. Together we intend to consider what undisciplining and redisciplining could look like within this approach as we work to center marginalized bodies and voices in the process. In the years ahead, “Un-disciplining Premodern Histories of Race and Gender” will offer a forum for scholars to further engage these critical intersections through interdisciplinary discussions devoted to ongoing research, pedagogical practices, and methodological directions within the field of premodern studies more broadly.
Debra Blumenthal, History
Heather Blurton, English
Daniel Reeve, English
Reem Taha, Comparative Literature
Jessica Zisa, English