15 Jun New Sexualities Research Focus Group
Image credit: Simon Fox, Safe Place International
Instituted in 2007 with seed monies from SAGE Sara Miller McCune Dean of Social Sciences Melvin Oliver, the New Sexualities Research Focus Group (RFG) aims to create a network of critical sexualities studies scholars at UCSB, provide opportunities for scholars at UCSB to network and collaborate with internationally renowned sexuality studies scholars, and highlight on a national scale the plethora of cutting-edge sexuality studies work happening at UCSB—aiming throughout to redefine the field of “sexuality studies” and produce new discourses, epistemologies and methodologies. The New Sexualities RFG brings together scholars who are analyzing the ways in which sexuality is understood and constructed discursively, geographically and culturally through neoliberalism, globalization, economics and labor, migration, artistic cultural production, and militarization. Through these analyses, we push the boundaries of the current field of “critical sexuality studies.”
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to join!
Group Convenors
Paul Amar, Global Studies
(NS Principal Investigator)
Email: amar AT global.ucsb.edu
Mireille Miller-Young, Feminist Studies
(NS Principal Investigator)
Email: mmilleryoung AT femst.ucsb.edu
Jennifer Tyburczy, Feminist Studies
jtyburczy AT femst.ucsb.edu
Terrance Wooten, Black Studies
terrancewooten AT blackstudies.ucsb.edu