09 Feb Winter 2023 IHC Award Winners
February 9, 2023
The IHC is pleased to announce the results of its Winter 2023 awards competition. Congratulations to the winners of IHC Graduate Collaborative and Visual, Performing, and Media Arts Awards!
Awards of up $1,500 to support graduate student collaboration beyond the confines of particular departments and disciplines, both within the arts and humanities and between the arts and humanities, social sciences, and sciences
Asian/American Studies Collective Graduate Symposium
Michael Nishimura, Sociology
Maile Young, English
Tandee Wang, History
The Asian/American Studies Collective Graduate Symposium is the only graduate student conference in the interdisciplinary field of Asian American Studies. Its objective is to provide a welcoming space for emerging Asian Americanist scholars to engage in new theories and methodologies, workshop their research, and network with each other. In 2023, our Symposium keynote will highlight the cutting-edge work of scholars in Critical Refugee Studies, while bringing together graduate scholars from a range of disciplines including history, education, sociology, and literary studies. The AASC symposium will continue to position UCSB as a leader in fostering emerging Asian Americanist scholarship.
The 26th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization (LISO)
Andre Buscariolli, Sociology
Munira Hailati, GGSE
Nurgul Isik, GGSE
Marissa Morgan, Linguistics
Evelyn Vera Flandez, GGSE
Marat Zheng, Sociology
The 26th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization (LISO), themed as “Continuing and Restarting”, will be held on May 19th-20th, 2023 at UCSB. This annual conference has been alternatively run by LISO Graduate Student Organization at UCSB and CLIC Graduate Student Association at UCLA. After a three-year hiatus due to Covid, LISO Conference 2023 will continue its traditional goal of bringing together national and international researchers who share interests in studying language, interaction, culture, and social organization, as well as providing an opportunity to rebuild intellectual community among students and scholars from those various related disciplines.
Zine Workshop Series /QTBIPOC Identities and Futurities
Maisnam Arnapal, Feminist Studies
Ricardo Delgado Solis, Chicana/o Studies
Yuri Fraccaroli, Feminist Studies
John Jairo Valencia, Chicana/o Studies
Through a series of workshops and the production of a collective zine, we seek to document the stories and dreams of UCSB’s QTBIPOC students. Workshops will facilitate intergenerational dialogues between current and past UCSB students engaging themes like memory, identity, and healing. The project invites QTBIPOC students who are intellectually curious about social justice to engage in praxis based methodologies of theoretical frameworks in Feminist Studies and Chicana/o Studies. Through the merging of theoretical and pedagogical approaches found in both disciplines, we hope to create an intellectual home within UCSB’s campus where QTBIPOC students can find creative inspiration and healing.
Awards of up $1,000 to support creative work that uses its artistic medium in innovative ways to explore topics of humanistic concern
GULAGSound: A Rediscovered Concerto for Ukraine
Alexandra Birch, History
The history of the USSR involves substantial persecution of ethnic minorities including in the brutal detention system, the GULAG. Past terror and ethnic reckoning is evident in current conflicts of the Russian Federation, including the war in Ukraine. Birch has recovered a violin concerto by Ukrainian composer Vsevolod Zaderatsky, who was deported to the GULAG in 1937, but never rehabilitated, and his works have been almost completely suppressed. To revive this magnificent lost work and support Ukraine today, Birch and her pianist will present a series of fundraising recitals and lectures and create the first recording of the piece.
Ball de Palabreo
Dozandri Mendoza, Linguistics
The Ball de Palabreo is a community-based ethnographic arts project in collaboration with Laboratoria Boricua de Vogue (Laborivogue) in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The ball and related events are dedicated to documenting and celebrating the verbal art traditions born of the Ballroom scene. The Ball and its attached ethnographic component double as a linguistic and semiotic historiography of the relationship between Ballroom and the Puerto Rican diaspora, dedicated to exploring how its practice in the contemporary cuir/trans scene of the Puerto Rican archipelago opens up new decolonial possibilities for its political utility for marginal subjects.
Wildlife Salvage Permit
Alison Williams, Writing Program
“Wildlife Salvage Permit” focuses on the loss of animal life from vehicle impact – also known as roadkill – on a particular stretch of California road, as a microcosm of larger issues of multispecies entanglements and ecological loss and grief. This research-based creative project will culminate in an installation of ceramic bodies sourced from local clay deposits to represent the loss of life and offer visibility to that which had been rendered invisible.
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