23 Jan Literature and Global Culture: The Voice of the Translator

Friday, January 23-24 2015 / 8:30 AM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
Our conference addresses current debates surrounding untranslatability and its implications within the postcolonial context of globalization. We have invited scholars and translators from diverse disciplines and perspectives to reflect on the basic notions of appropriation as well as the contextualized poetics that often shape the translations we read and produce; in particular, we anticipate stimulating results from the integration of the historical perspective with contemporary views.
Sponsored by the IHC, the Graduate Center for Literary Research, the Translation Studies PhD Emphasis, the Graduate Division, the Comparative Literature Program, the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, the Basque Studies Program, the Dept. of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, the Dept. of French and Italian, the College of Creative Studies, the Latin American and Iberian Studies Program, the Global and International Studies Program, and the Dept. of Linguistics.
Web site: http://www.frit.ucsb.edu/news/event/331