27 Feb Israel and Palestine: Achieving a Two-State Solution

David Makovsky (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
Ghaith al-Omari (The American Task Force on Palestine)
Wednesday, February 27 / 5:00 PM
UCSB Campbell Hall
David Makovsky, Ziegler Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Project on the Middle East Peace Process at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, is the author of Imagining the Border: Options for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Territorial Issue and the co-author with Dennis Ross of Myths, Illusions, and Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East. Ghaith al-Omari, Executive Director of the American Task Force on Palestine, previously served in various positions within the Palestinian Authority, including Senior Advisor to former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Senior Research Fellow at the New America Foundation. He has extensive experience with the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.
Sponsored by Arts & Lectures, the Dept. of Religious Studies, Congregation B’nai B’rith, Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Hillel, and the Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Foundation Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies.
Website: https://www.ihc.ucsb.edu/endowments/taubman/