28 Feb The Jaina-Mimamsa Debate on Omniscience

Olle Qvarnström (History of Religions, Lund University, Sweden)
Tuesday, February 28 / 6:00 pm
2252 Humanities and Social Science Building
The lecture examined contending constructions of omniscience in Jain and Purva-Mimamsa philosophical traditions.
Olle Qvarnström is Professor of the History of Religions at Lund University, Sweden. One of the foremost scholars of Jainism, his work explores the intersections of Jain, Buddhist, and Hindu traditions. His publications include The Yogasastra of Hemacandra: A Twelfth-Century Handbook on Svetambara Jainism; Hindu Philosophy in Buddhist Perspective; and two edited volumes, Jainism and Early Buddhism: Essays in Honor of Padmanabh S. Jaini and Approaches to Jaina Studies: Philosophy, Logic, Rituals and Symbols.