20 May ROUNDTABLE: Recent Research on Kazakhstan

Nazym Shedenova (Sociology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)
Saule Ualieva (Sociology, East Kazakh Technical University, Oskemen)
Monday, May 20 / 4:00 PM
Lane Room, Ellison Hall
Shedenova is a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley and a professor of sociology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Professor Ualieva is a visiting scholar at UCSB and a professor of sociology at East Kazakh Technical University, in Oskemen, Kazakhstan. Saule Ualiyeva will present “Identity Reproduction of People of Mixed Origin in Kazakhstan”. Nazym Shedenova will present “Life Strategies of Urban and Rural Households in Kazakhstan?” Afterwards, they will lead a round-table discussion on current social science research in Kazakhstan.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Identity Studies RFG.