23 Apr A Public Discourse on Race, Dance and Sexuality

Thomas F. DeFrantz (African and African American Studies/Dance, Duke University)
Kyle Abraham (Artistic Director, Abraham.In.Motion)
Wednesday, April 23 / 3:00 – 4:30 PM
HSSB Ballet Studio
Duke University Professor and Artist-Scholar Tommy DeFrantz will speak publicly with Artistic Director and MacArthur Fellow Kyle Abraham. They will discuss race, corporeality, queering the body and aesthetics in movement. Following this public talk will be a reception in the foyer of the Performing Arts Building. Mr. Abraham’s company will dance his award-winning work, Pavement, at Campbell Hall that night at 8:00 p.m.
For more information about the April 23 performance at Campbell Hall, please visit: https://artsandlectures.sa.ucsb.edu/Details.aspx?PerfNum=2850
Sponsored by the Department of Theater and Dance, the IHC’s Performance Studies & Politics RFG, Hemispheric South/s Research Initiative, UCSB’s Resource Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity, the IHC’s African Studies RFG, the Department of Black Studies and Maria Herrera-Sobek, Vice-Chancellor for Diversity at UCSB.