Maya Zaynetdinova

Maya Zaynetdinova received her M.A. from the Department of Global Studies. She is an educator and content creator. She is researching and writing a blog about sociocultural history of the decentralized technology of blockchain and its impacts on global societies. Maya is particularly interested in blockchain’s potential for environmental activism and sustainable change. She aims to make this complex technology more accessible to the public through her writing and public presenting. 

Connect with Maya on LinkedIn and visit her website.

Read Maya’s post on the Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Blog, which argues for the adoption of blockchain technology in light of the political and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more of her public writing on Medium.

Read about Maya’s Public Humanities Graduate Fellow internship with Direct Relief.

Watch Maya’s Winter 2022 Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program Capstone Presentation:

Watch Maya’s introduction to blockchain technology and its impacts on society: