Jordan Tudisco received their Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. Their interdisciplinary research in literature, sociocultural linguistics, porn studies, prison studies, Black studies, and queer and trans studies examines transness at large and its relationship to narratives of the self, constraints in literary genres and linguistic forms, transphobic hate speech, trauma, and healing. Their dissertation, titled “Staking our Claim: Self-Making, World-Making and Survival in Trans-Authored Narratives,” examines how trans people use writing as a tool to process the past, survive through the present, and imagine themselves living and thriving in the future. In addition, Jordan is an educator and activist and conducts workshops and seminars on queer and trans issues.
Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn and visit their website.
Read about Jordan’s summer internship with the nonprofit organization and restorative justice program, PREP.
Read Jordan’s post on the Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Blog, which discusses gender and non-inclusive survey design.
Read Jordan’s digital creative writing: Phantom and Charlotte (FR / EN)
Read Jordan’s translation of Roderick Coover’s, Nick Montfort’s and Scott Rettberg’s Three Rails Live into French for the BleuOrange online review.
Read Jordan’s article, “Queering the French Academie: Reclaiming Linguistic Authority for Trans and Non-Binary People,” published in TWPL 43.
Watch Jordan’s Winter 2022 Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program Capstone Presentation: