Grace Kimball

Grace Kimball

Grace Kimball (she/her/per) is a Ph.D. student in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research examines the English early modern period (16th and 17th centuries), emphasizing the period’s performance behaviors and religions analyzed through affect and historiography. Her experience as an English major for both her CSUN master’s and Mount Holyoke College bachelor’s degrees also supports her current research. Grace has taught middle and high school English and is a teaching associate in her department with a UCSB Pillars of Teaching certificate. She is also a playwright and has directed multiple productions, including Hamlet’s Big Adventure! (A Prequel) (2022). Grace is a member of the UCSB Graduate Scholars Program and a fellow with the IHC Public Humanities Graduate Program at UCSB. She is also a convener for the “What Is a Shakespeare? Shakespeare and Global Media” IHC Research Focus Group and a Graduate Teaching Fellow with the IHC Foundations in the Humanities Prison Correspondence Program.

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Read Grace’s post on the Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Blog, which discusses why graduate conferences should stay on Zoom post-pandemic.

Learn more about Grace’s research in this short video: