10 Apr Re-Membering: Performing memories/histories

Ruth Hellier-Tinoco (Music, Theater & Dance, UCSB) and UCSB students
Tuesday, April 10 / 7:00 PM
TD 1703
Extracts of interdisciplinary performances (work-in-progress), engaging music, theater, film, movement, performance art, and multimedia created and performed by undergraduate students of Music and Theater, facilitated by Ruth Hellier-Tinoco, through her course “Performance/ Memory/ History.” Ranging from 5 to 15 minutes in duration, each piece was created over a period of six weeks, particularly working with ideas of fragmentation, juxtaposition, mnemonics, ritual, witness, and iconicity, and engaging with a single person or a unique event as the core of the creative processes.
Ruth Hellier-Tinoco, PhD, is a scholar, creator and performer.
Sponsored by the College of Creative Studies and the IHC’s Performance Studies Research Focus Group in association with Primavera: UCSB’s Festival of Contemporary Arts and Digital Media