06 Feb canceled

Wednesday, February 6 / 5:00 PM
IHC Research Seminar Room, 6056 HSSB
This event has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
A discussion of research work-in-progress on topics concerning contemporary Mexico, by faculty and students.
If you would like more information please see the RFG website or contact Dr Ruth Hellier-Tinoco.
Ruth Hellier-Tinoco (rhellier-tinoco@music.ucsb.edu)
Gabriela Soto Laveaga (gsotolaveaga@history.ucsb.edu)
Sarah Townsend (stownsend@spanport.ucsb.edu)
Sponsored by the IHC’s Modern Mexico RFG.
Website: www.ihc.ucsb.edu/modern-mexico