12 Oct Mobile Telepresence

Peggy Szymanski (Xerox PARC)
Friday, October 12 / 1:30 PM
Education 1205
Peggy Szymanski, an interaction analyst grounded in the methods of conversation analysis and ethnography, is currently exploring practices around mobile telepresence – how people stay connected to their close friends and family as they go about their daily activities. This work builds on previous projects focused on mobile communication via synchronous and asynchronous audio media; prior analyses described the organization of remote and co-present multi-party conversational interaction. Szymanski has led and contributed to projects focused on teaching and learning over the past ten years at Xerox PARC. Most recently, she was involved in a three-year project that involved developing and implementing a curriculum to certify consultants in the use of ethnographic methods in their client engagements. In another project she worked on, Sotto Voce, she iteratively designed an electronic guidebook to enhance social interaction and learning in museums. Szymanski earned her Ph.D. from UCSB, specializing in the study of Language, Interaction and Social Organization.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Language, Interaction, and Social Organization RFG.
For more information please visit: http://www.liso.ucsb.edu/