07 May NPR’s The Kitchen Sisters

CANCELLED: NPR’s The Kitchen Sisters
This event is cancelled due to the Jesusita Fire
Peabody Award-winning radio producers The Kitchen Sisters come the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center to present an afternoon of radio, readings and some fine Hidden Kitchen cooking. Hidden Kitchens, heard on NPR’s Morning Edition, explores secret, unexpected, below-the-radar cooking across America. The Kitchen Sisters show how communities come together through food: midnight cabyard kitchens, prison rodeo kitchens, a secret civil rights kitchen, food traditions and rituals from across the country. The series inspired two books, Hidden Kitchens: Stories, Recipes and More from NPR’s Kitchen Sisters and Hidden Kitchens Texas. Please join The Kitchen Sisters, Davia Nelson and Nikki Silva, to hear some radio stories–and the stories behind them–and tell some of your own.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Hester and Cedric Crowell Endowment as part of the IHC’s Food Matters series.