21 May SKILLS Day: School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society
Tuesday, May 21 / 9:00 AM-12:30 PM
Multipurpose Room, Student Resources Building
High school students in the SKILLS program at Carpinteria High School and Santa Barbara High School will present the results of their original research on language and culture in their local communities. In addition, UCSB undergraduate students in sociocultural linguistics will present the results of their original research on California youth language, drawing on data collected by SKILLS high school student-researchers. Symposium events include multimedia presentations and a poster session. All members of the campus and local community are welcome.
Sponsored by Associated Students Finance Board, Carpinteria High School, Center for California Languages and Cultures, Community Affairs Board Foundation, the Dept. of Linguistics, Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research, Santa Barbara High School, Student-Initiated Outreach Program, Verizon Foundation, Vox California Student Organization, and the IHC.