10 Apr Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: How to Develop and Manage a Successful Program

Barbara Harthorn (Feminist Studies, UCSB )
Mike Goodchild (Geography, UCSB)
Alan Liu (English, UCSB)
Tuesday, April 10 / 11:45 AM
McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020
Developing an effective interdisciplinary collaborative project involves more time, resources, management, and communication than the average research program. This panel offers strategies for assembling a successful proposal for a collaborative project, and explores the challenges of managing collaborative programs.
This workshop will help researchers anticipate and overcome the challenges, including:
- finding funding opportunities for interdisciplinary research
- how build an effective team and what to look for in a team leader
- integrating diverse theoretical, conceptual, and methodological approaches in a single proposal
- communicating across the disciplines – developing a shared language and team culture
- time management
- administrative expectations
- weighing the overall benefits and pitfalls of interdisciplinary collaborative research
Our panel of experienced collaborative researchers will discuss best practices and real life examples of what has (and hasn’t) worked for them.
To RSVP: http://www.research.ucsb.edu/research-development/successful-program/
11:45 – lunch served
12:00 – panel presentation
1:00 – questions
Sponsored by the Office of Research, ISBER, and the IHC.