18 Nov Interacting with Archives, Repertoires, Performances and Politics

Facilitated by Ruth Hellier-Tinoco (Music, UCSB)
Monday, November 18 / 5:00 PM
IHC Research Seminar Room, 6056 HSSB
How do notions of endurance and ephemerality enable us to consider notions of performance and politics? How do embodied practices constitute meaning and knowledge? What is the efficacy of performance as politics?
In her wide-ranging and rigorous book The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas, Diana Taylor challenges us—as scholars, students, and human beings—to reconsider profound epistemological and ontological issues
affecting our scholarly and everyday lives in the Americas.
In this informal discussion session we will focus on Chapter 1 of Taylor’s book, and the questions framed above, specifically relating these concepts to each attendee’s individual research projects and contexts.
Everyone is invited to join this discussion. If you’ve read it before, we invite you to read it again. If this is your first time, then please join the conversation. If you’re not able to read this, you’re still welcome to attend.
Please see the website https://www.ihc.ucsb.edu/performance-and-politics/ for more specific preparatory guidelines.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Performance and Politics RFG.