06 Nov Imagining Design After Oil

November 6, 2009 / 9am – 5pm
Interdisciplinary Humanities Center
6020 Humanities Social Science Building
University of California Santa Barbara
This event is free, and open to the public.
What does the future hold for design after oil? This study day will explore new materials, ideas, policies and design solutions for the post-carbon future
Keynote Speakers
Sheila Kennedy
Professor of Architecture, MIT
Kennedy and Violich Architecture
Director of Design & Applied Research: KVA MATx
• More about Shelia Kennedy
David Gissen
Professor of Architecture, California College of Arts
• More about David Gissen
Click on any panelist’s name to read his or her full bio
Dan Colbert
Executive Director of Institute for Energy Efficiency : UCSB
Marc Fisher
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services & Campus Architect : UCSB
Lorelei K. Moosbrugger
Professor of Political Science & Chair of the Academic Senate’s Sustainability Work Group : UCSB
Ken Radtkey
Founder of Blackbird Architects : Santa Barbara, CA
Ted Rose
Principal of Rose Carbon : Boulder, CO
Dennis Thompson, AIA, LEED AP
President of Thompson Naylor Architects : Santa Barbara, CA
Susan Van Atta
President of Van Atta Associates : Santa Barbara, CA
Volker M. Welter
Professor of the History of Art and Architecture & Director of the Program in Architecture and Environment : UCSB
Kim Yasuda
Professor of Studio Art & Co-director of the UC Institute for Research in the Arts : UCSB
8:30-9:00 Coffee and Registration
9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks
9:15-10:30 Roundtable: Imagining Design After Oil
Ken Radtkey, Blackbird Architects, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA
Dennis Thompson, Thompson Naylor Architects, Santa Barbara, CA
Susan Van Atta, Van Atta Associates, Santa Barbara, CA
Marc Fisher, Campus Architect, UCSB
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Keynote: David Gissen, California College of Art, San Francisco
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:45 Keynote: Sheila Kennedy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2:45-4:00 Roundtable: Post-Carbon Materials and Technologies
Dan Colbert, Institute for Energy Efficiency, UCSB
Ted Rose, Rose Carbon, Boulder CO
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-5:15 Roundtable: Educating for Sustainable Design
Kim Yasuda, Studio Art, UCSB
Volker Welter, Architecture and Environment Program, UCSB
Lorelei K. Moosbrugger, Political Science, Academic Senate, UCSB