05 May Ground Zero and Anti-Muslim Sentiment

Maher Hathout (Senior Advisor, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Los Angeles)
Nuha Khoury (History of Art and Architecture, UCSB)
Edward Linenthal (History, University of Indiana)
Thursday, May 5, 2011 / 7:30 PM
MultiCultural Center Theater
The battle over plans to build a Muslim religious center near ground zero has thrown into sharp relief anti-Muslim rhetoric that contradicts American values of religious tolerance. This panel will explore the origin of these sentiments in the context of ground zero as an emotionally-charged memorial space, and the exploitation of this history for political and ideological purposes.
Sponsored by the Dept. of Religious Studies, the IHC’s Geographies of Place series, the MultiCultural Center, and the Walter Capps Center for the Study of Ethics, Religion and Public Life.