02 Feb Geographies of the Holocaust

Anne Knowles (Geography, Middlebury College)
Alberto Giordano (Geography, Texas State University)
Monday, February 2, 2015 / 4:00 PM
UCEN Flying A Room
Anne Knowles and Alberto Giordano (eds.) present Geographies of the Holocaust. This book is the result of a multi-year collective project that has explored the geographies of the Holocaust at every scale of human experience, from the European continent to the experiences of individual human bodies. Built on six innovative case studies utilizing Geographical Information System (GIS) science, it brings together historians and geographers to interrogate the places and spaces of the genocide. The cases encompass the landscapes of particular places (the killing zones in the East, deportations from sites in Italy, the camps of Auschwitz, the ghettos of Budapest) and the intimate spaces of bodies on evacuation marches. Geographies of the Holocaust puts forward models and a research agenda for different ways of visualizing and thinking about the Holocaust by examining the spaces and places where it was enacted and experienced.
Sponsored by the Dept. of French and Italian, the Center for Spatial Studies, the Dept. of Geography, the Dept. of History, the Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Studies, Jewish Studies and the IHC.
On Tuesday February 3 at 12:30 PM in Phelps 3512 as part of the ThinkSpatial Series, Anne Knowles and Alberto Giordano will present “From Space to Place: Exploring Geographies of the Holocaust.” For more information, visit this page.