08 Mar Does Mali Matter? What’s at Stake in the Ongoing Sahel Crisis

Bruce Whitehouse (Anthropology, Lehigh University)
Friday, March 8 / 2:00 PM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
Once considered a stable democracy, the country of Mali in Africa’s western Sahel region experienced an army coup and the loss of its northern regions to separatist and Islamist rebels last year. This January, France initiated a multinational military intervention to confront the threat of a complete Islamist takeover. In this talk, anthropologist Bruce Whitehouse of Lehigh University traces the origins of Mali’s crisis and discusses prospects for restoring peace and democracy in that country.
Sponsored by the Department of History, the Department of Political Science, the Department of Education, CITS, Friends of Africa Santa Barbara, the IHC, and the IHC’s African Studies RFG.
For more information please visit: http://brucewhitehouse.wordpress.com