21 Oct “Do not forget to send the Negro”: Elite ties, enslaved lives in colonial Massachusetts and New York, 1660-1720

Nicole Saffold Maskiell (History, Cornell University)
Monday, October 21 / 4:00 PM
HSSB 4080
Dr. Maskiell is an expert on family and household relationships within slavery and on slave networks in Dutch and English colonial North America and the Atlantic World. The author of “Elite Slave Networks in the Dutch Atlantic,” published in Shifting the Compass: Pluricontinental Connections in Dutch Colonial and Postcolonial Literature, ed. Dewulf, Praamstra and van Kempen (forthcoming, Cambridge Scholars), she will share her current research in this talk, which is supported by the UCSB Early Modern Studies Center, the UCSB History Department and the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center.
Sponsored by the Dept. of History, the Early Modern Center, and the IHC.