28 Jan Credibility and Referential Accuracy during Asylum Hearings

Marco Jacquemet (Communication Studies, University of San Francisco)
Friday, January 28 / 1:30 PM
1205 Education
Jacquemet is currently working on a book project, Transidioma: Language and Power in the Age of Globalization, which uses ethnographic and historical data from Mediterranean Europe and the U.S. to examine how groups of people who are no longer territorially defined think about themselves and use a variety of both face-to-face and long distance media to communicate. He has published three monographs: Credibility in Court: Communicative Practices in the Camorra’s Trials (1996); Il Galateo del Cibernauta (1996); Ethereal Shadows: Communication and Power in Contemporary Italy; and multiple articles in edited volumes and refereed journals.
Marco Jacquemet is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication, University of San Francisco and works in the fields of communication studies, anthropology, and linguistics.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Language, Interaction & Social Organization (LISO) RFG
Website: http://www.liso.ucsb.edu/