14 Apr Cognition and Language Workshop 2012 (CLaW 2012)
Keynote Speaker: Seana Coulson (University of California San Diego)
Saturday, April 14 / 9:00 AM
3605 South Hall
The inaugural Cognition and Language Workshop (CLaW) is a conference dedicated to the relationship between language and cognition, featuring talks approaching the cognition of language from empirical data-driven perspectives. The keynote talk, given by Dr. Seana Coulson, professor of Cognitive Science at UC San Diego, is titled “Neural Cartography: Conceptual Mapping in Language and Cognition”. Coulson will discuss the importance of metaphoric and analogical mapping as organizing structures in cognition, and suggest that maps and mappings are a fundamental aspect of neurophysiology. In order to demonstrate the role of mapping in language comprehension, results will be presented from several event-related potential (ERP) studies of the comprehension of written and spoken language. Lunch and coffee will be provided.
Sponsored by Associated Students, Graduate Student Association, Cognitive Science Emphasis, Department of Linguistics, and the IHC.
Website: http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/claw/index.html