First Annual Graduate Center for Literary Research Conference

First Annual Graduate Center for Literary Research Conference

Thursday, May 22 / 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
UCSB Centennial House

The Graduate Center for Literary Research cordially invites you to participate in the GCLR Graduate Student Conference on “Disclosure,” Thursday May 22 at the Centennial House from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Disclosure evokes hidden, withheld, or disavowed knowledge(s); it serves as a destabilizing act or influence. Our traditional and nontraditional panel formats encourage presenters and attendees to consider: what role do we, as academics, play in the (re)production of academic knowledge(s)?

Keynote Address: Dr. Glyn Salton-Cox, “Frank Comrades: Foucault’s Courage of Truth and Midcentury Leftist Culture” (English, Feminist Studies at UCSB)
“Usual” Suspects Roundtable Respondents: Dr. Glyn Salton-Cox and Dr. Barbara Tomlinson (Feminist Studies at UCSB)

Note: For the “Usual” Suspects Roundtable, we will read excerpts by two of the “usual” theorists. Our aim is to find unusual ways to understand these texts—or to de-familiarize ourselves from texts that have become familiar. Our roundtable moderators have chosen excerpts, or fragments, from Michel Foucault’s The Courage of Truth: The Government of Self and Others II and Judith Butler’s Precarious Life. PDF copies are attached; we will also bring several printed copies for attendees that would like to participate in our discussion in a more spontaneous fashion.

Faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students—as well as non-students—are welcome to join us for all or part of the day. Refreshments provided.

For more information, please visit the GCLR website: