18 Nov Balancing on a Planet: Can Local Food Improve Health, Increase Equity, and Slow Global Warming?

David A. Cleveland (Environmental Studies, UCSB)
Tuesday, November 18, 2014 / 4:00 PM
Pacific View Room, UCSB Library
One of the biggest challenges we face is fixing our global food system—although it feeds us, in the process it contributes much to sickness, hunger and climate change. The cause of this is a supply-side strategy that emphasizes increasing production and economic growth. Localizing the food system is a popular solution—but can it deliver?
Reception with samples of local foods to follow. UCSB Bookstore will sell copies of Cleveland’s 2014 book Balancing on a Planet.
Sponsored by the UCSB Library’s Pacific Views Speaker Series, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and the IHC series The Anthropocene: Views from the Humanities.
Website: http://www.library.ucsb.edu/events
Cleveland Talk from Environmental Humanities Center on Vimeo.