11 Aug Announcing the Interdisciplinary Humanities Collaborations in the Virtual Classroom Grant Winners
August 11, 2020
The Interdisciplinary Humanities Collaborations in the Virtual Classroom Grant enables HFA faculty to integrate new collaborative possibilities into their remote teaching by partnering with another faculty member, teaching artist, or community organization to create an interdisciplinary, cross-departmental or cross-institutional course.
Congratulations to the following awardees:
Irwin Appel (UCSB Theater and Dance) and James Kearney (UCSB English) for their Fall 2020 course collaborations, THTR 188S: Shakespeare on Film and Stage and ENGL 15: Shakespeare
Mhoze Chikowero (UCSB History) and Gichena Jane Chacha (Netherlands-based Kenyan Teaching Artist, African Architect, Independent Scholar and Museologist) for their Fall 2020 course collaborations, History 49C: A Survey of African History since c. 1945 and History 201 AF: African Self-Liberation
Nicole Lamartine (UCSB Music) and David Torres (UCSB Music) for their Fall 2020 course collaborations in Chamber Choir (MUS A 36/136/236) and the UCSB Women’s Choir (MUS 36/136/236) with international guest culture bearers or experts in: Diversity; Equity, Inclusion, Access; Music of the Chumash People and Samala Language; Choral Music of New Zealand and Maori Culture; Choral Music of Mexico; Choral Music of China; Choral Music of Moldova; Choral Music of Basque People; and Harmony Singing in the Bluegrass Style
Kyle Mahowald (UCSB Linguistics) and Robbie Kubala (UC Santa Cruz Philosophy) for their Fall 2020 course collaborations, Psycholinguistics (LING 226) and Ethics of Data & Technology (PHIL 190)
Michael Morgan (UCSB Theater and Dance) and Margaret Kemp (UC Davis Theatre and Dance) for their Summer Session G 2020 course, The People’s Voice (Theater 43/143), which will focus on the issues of incarcerated female youth through a media-driven rethinking and rewriting of Euripides’ ancient Greek tragedy Trojan Women and which will bring together a group of eight to ten UC undergraduate students and six to eight female youth at the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility
Claudia Moser (UCSB Art History) and Christian Thomas (UCSB Writing Program) for their Fall 2020 collaboration, ARTHI 6A (Art Survey I: Ancient-Medieval Art) that will introduce students to the art and archaeology of ancient Rome through an interactive, narrative-driven game in which the undergraduate student plays the role of a graduate student at UCSB who is sent to Rome to determine whether a statue from the Getty Museum is real or fake
Jane Mulfinger (UCSB Art) and artists Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber for their Fall 2020 collaboration, Sculpture for the Camera (Intermediate Sculpture 105PP), in which students will construct works in clay and armature wire, felting, papier-mâché, wood and cardboard, color and paint; build miniature sets; and use camera phone technology to record their objects and miniature spaces