Call for Applications: Faculty Fellowship and Grant Writing Seminar: deadline March 9

Call for Applications: Faculty Fellowship and Grant Writing Seminar: deadline March 9

Space is limited to 12 participants.

Purpose: This 3-day seminar series is for faculty members who are ready to prepare an extramural proposal (or who have a draft proposal) that they plan to submit to a funding agency in 2012-2013.

The seminar will provide a systematic and detailed explanation of the grant writing process, including interactive workshops on funding searches, best practices for generating research proposal ideas, and writing the specific key sections of a proposal. A mock review panel will be scheduled for final review of the resulting proposals. The seminars will help faculty members write proposals in a collaborative and collegial setting, and better understand the typical review process at funding agencies and foundations.

Eligibility: Ladder faculty who conduct social science, humanities, fine arts, and/or education research in the UCSB College of Letters and Science, the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, and the Bren School are invited to apply. The retreat is limited to 12 participants. Preference will be given to junior faculty (particularly those applying for early career awards) and faculty of all ranks who are new to grant writing.

Apply here:

Program Timeline and Expectations:
Friday, March 2 Deadline for submitting seminar application (see link to webform above)
Monday, March 13 Notification of acceptance to participate in the seminar
April 2, 12-1pm Funding Search Workshop (optional)
April 11, 12-2pm Seminar 1: assessing funding agency fit, writing strategies, and free writing activity
April 25, 12-2pm Seminar 2: formulating a research idea and writing the introduction
May 9, 12-2pm Seminar 3: writing the theoretical review and methodology sections, budget considerations
June TBD Mock review panel for selected proposal drafts

The seminar presentations, workshops, and individualized consultation will be provided by Karen Lunsford, Associate Professor in the Writing Program and Barbara Walker, Director of Research Development for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Fine Arts.

Contact Barbara Walker with any questions: 805-893-3576