12 Dec 4Humanities@UCSB Research Focus Group Meeting
Alan Liu (English, UCSB)
Monday, December 12 / 1-3:00 PM
South Hall 2509
In its next meeting, the 4Humanities@UCSB research focus group will think about the core values of the humanities, the frames that surround those, and how we might develop action plans from those values and frames to speak to particular audiences. This meeting is intended to provide an intellectual foundation on which to proceed to production work (including, to start with, contributing to the international 4Humanities initiative called “Humanities, Plain & Simple”). For a full description of this meeting and recommended readings and preparatory exercises, see http://humanistica.ualberta.ca/2011/11/4humanitiesucsb-meeting-3/
Website: https://4humanities.org/original-4humanities-collective/