26 May Auras: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction
An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference at UCSB
Thursday – Friday, May 26-27
Keynote: Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries (Web Art Group)
Thursday, May 26/ 3:00 PM
Multi-Cultural Center Theater
Auras: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction, an interdisciplinary undergraduate conference at UCSB, is proud to present a keynote performance and talk-back with Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries. The Seoul-based Web Art group, made up of Marc Voge and Young-Hae Chang, synchronizes flash animation with musical scores to present fast-paced textual poems that move from parking lot diatribes in South Dakota to philosophic contemplations of the web in South Korea. At turns playful and political, vanilla and violent, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries’ work has been featured at LACMA, New York’s New Museum, the Tate Gallery in London, and the Centre Pompidou.
Sponsored by Arnhold Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, Early Modern Center, Center On Modernism, Materialism, and Aesthetics, Poetry/pOETICS HUB, the Department of Media Arts and Technology and the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center.
For more information, please visit: http://www.english.ucsb.edu/calendar-detail.asp?EventID=711&ProjectID=5