Innovation in Borderland Regions

Innovation in Borderland Regions

Friday, April 4-Sunday, April 6
McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020

Borderlands, broadly defined, are spaces where disparate ethnicities, cultures, religions, political systems, or linguistic traditions come into close contact and require both individuals and societies to adapt culturally, politically, economically, or technologically to encounters with other ways of life. The Fourth Annual Ancient Borderlands International Graduate Student Conference will showcase new research on the ways that interactions in borderlands inspire innovation and adaptation from a range of geographic and chronological contexts.

For more a full conference schedule, please visit:

Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, UCSB Graduate Division, the Ancient Borderlands MRG, the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Classics, the Department of History, the Department of the History of Art and Architecture, the Department of Religious Studies, the Department of Sociology, Graduate Division, and the Late Antiquity MRG.