27 Sep 2023 Convening of the UC Humanities Graduate Fellows Collaborative
September 27, 2023
Seventeen graduate students from across the UC system were awarded research fellowships by their home campus and joined in a convening of Fellows on September 20, 2023. The Fellows participated in a professionalization workshop, led by Bri McWhorter of Activate to Captivate, to develop their ability to speak about their research and work in a range of settings.
The UC Humanities Graduate Fellows Collaborative is a project of the UC Humanities Center Consortium, which comprises the humanities centers and institutes from each of the ten UC campuses, and is funded by the University of California Office of the President.
2023 UC Humanities Graduate Fellows
Shirelle Maya Doughty, Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures (UC Berkeley), “Women and Haskalah: Rethinking Women’s Role in the Development of Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures”
Pooja Hazra, History (UC Davis), “An Empire of Scribes: A Socio-Intellectual History of Munshis in South Asia (c.1600-1700s)”
Elmira Louie, Comparative Literature (UC Davis), “Ottoman Turkish Manuscripts and the Formation of an Imperial Identity”
Anannya Mukherjee, Comparative Literature (UC Irvine), “Canvasing Futures Project: Instructional Design”
Mell Rivera Diaz, Spanish (UC Irvine), “Canvasing Futures Project: Poetry Book Promotion in NYC”
Haleigh Marcello, History (UC Irvine), “Canvasing Futures Project: 501c3 Organization in Orange County”
Stephanie Narrow, History (UC Irvine), “Canvasing Futures Project: Career Diversity”
Nicole Furtado, English (UC Riverside), “Galaxies like Islands, Islands like Galaxies: Envisioning Futurity in Seascape Technologies”
Rotem Herrmann, Philosophy (UC Riverside), “Body and Memory: An Inquiry into Skill”
Felicitas Hartung, History (UC San Diego), “‘Dear Professor Einstein’: Early Cold War Visions for a World Government and the Politicization of Science”
Evelyn Vasquez, Literature (UC San Diego), “The Ghetto: Aesthetic Disturbances in 20th Century American Studies”
Jéssica Malinalli Coyotecatl Contreras, Anthropology (UC Santa Barbara ), “Sovereign and Deadly Energy Transition: Communal Life against Extractivism in Mexico”
Amy Fallas, History (UC Santa Barbara) “‘Their Own Poor’: Communal Identities, Charitable Societies, and the Making of Sectarianism in Modern Egypt, 1879-1939”
Anthony Greco, History (UC Santa Barbara), “Flows of History: Science, Colonialism, and the Cairo Nilometer, 1700-1920”
Christina Guirguis, Global Studies (UC Santa Barbara), “Potty Politics”
Albert Ventayol-Boada, Linguistics (UC Santa Barbara), “Reconstructing an Indigenous past in Siberia: From assembling the archive to the digital humanities”
Radhika Prasad, Literature (UC Santa Cruz), “Hindi Experimentalism and National Language Politics”