06 Oct 2022 Convening of the UC Humanities Graduate Fellows Collaborative
October 6, 2022
Twenty graduate students from across the UC system were awarded research fellowships by their home campus and joined in a convening of Fellows on September 16, 2022. The Fellows participated in a professionalization workshop, led by Bri McWhorter of Activate to Captivate, to develop their ability to speak about their research and work in a range of settings.
The UC Humanities Graduate Fellows Collaborative is a project of the UC Humanities Center Consortium, which comprises the humanities centers and institutes from each of the ten UC campuses, and is funded by the University of California Office of the President Multi-campus Research Programs and Initiative Funding.
2022 UC Humanities Graduate Fellows
Rosie Ward, Music (UC Berkeley), “Song in translation: Imagining the Voice, the Popular, and the European, 1773–1840”
Leanny Munoz, Department of Music (UC Davis), “How Panama has figured into the musical imagination of the United States”
Scott Tsuchitani, Department of Spanish and Portuguese (UC Davis), Collaborative summer research in Japan
Dan Bustillo, Visual Studies (UC Irvine), “Refusing Spectacle: Trans Latinx Counter-Security Media”
Justin Keever, Visual Studies (UC Irvine), “Videogames and the Unself: The Undoing of Digital Ludic Subjectivity”
Mabel Bowser, Interdisciplinary Humanities (UC Merced), “The poetry of Fredy Chikangana and the social outbreak of April 2021 in Colombia”
Alyson Caine, Interdisciplinary Humanities (UC Merced), “Excavating the Archive at Lisht”
Maria Escobar, Sociology (UC Merced), “Discerning Safety: Latinx, Marshallese, and Black Young Adults in the U.S. South”
Jeff Chu, History (UC Riverside), “Thracians among Others: Encounters with Greeks, Macedonians, and the Near East”
Deborah Nelson, Philosophy (UC Riverside), “The Reasoning of Economically-Disadvantaged People”
Xiomara Forbez, Dance (UC Riverside), “Prima, ‘Olapa, Bachatera – Name Me Dancer: Expanding the Category of Dancer through Ballet, Hula, and Bachata”
Nattapol Wisuttipat, Music (UC Riverside), “Spicy: The (Un)making of Queer Presence in Thai Classical Music”
Saribel Morales-Rivera, History (UC San Diego), “Fear and Hope: The Role of Emotions in Spanish Democratization, 1975-1982”
Heather Paulson, Literature (UC San Diego), “Narratives of Resistance: Anticapitalist Networks of Communal Care in Working-Class Women’s Literatures”
Christopher Erdman, Classics (UC Santa Barbara), “Voting Culture and Political Theater in Late Republican Lawmaking”
Addison Jensen, History (UC Santa Barbara), “Blowin’ in the Wind: Media, Counterculture, and the American Military in Vietnam”
Nicky Rehnberg, History (UC Santa Barbara), “White Roots, Redwoods: Racializing German and U.S. Conservation, 1920-1945”
Isabella Restrepo, Feminist Studies (UC Santa Barbara), “Transcarceral Care: Racialized Girlhood, Behavioral Diagnosis, and California’s Foster Care System”
Reem Taha, Comparative Literature (UC Santa Barbara), “‘Of Here and Everywhere’: (Re)Mapping Mediterranean Identities at the Ibero-African Frontier”
Gabriel Mindel, History of Consciousness (UC Santa Cruz), “Profanity: Performance, Protest & the Sovereign Politics of Noise”