08 Feb Stalin’s Great Terror: Historic Photo Documents and Memorial Culture Today

Tomasz Kizny
Monday, February 8 / 5:00 PM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
Tomasz Kizny will present his documentary photo project that gives faces and voices to the victims of The Great Terror in the USSR (1936-38). First, historic prison portraits of the victims with biographical notes accompanied by excerpts from diaries and private documents are shown. Next, Kizny presents his recent photographs of the Soviet killing fields and the heirs of the victims in Russia to reveal the immense topography of terror and to bear witness to the atrocities of the past remaining in the present. Tomasz Kizny is a Polish photojournalist who was a founding member of the clandestine association Dementi and author of Gulag: Life and Death inside Soviet Concentration Camps (2004).
Sponsored by the departments of Comparative Literature, Germanic Slavic & Semitic Studies, History, Political Science and the IHC.